Chapter fourteen

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Taehyung POV

Namjoon forgot to close the blinds last night before we slept, so the bright morning sun shot my eye. Luckily Namjoon was under the covers but I was shot right in the eye. I rubbed my eye for a minute sitting my self up, back against the bed board. I yawned looking at the time 9:46 am. Shit. School. We missed like two periods, uni must be worried.

I shook Namjoon awake and since he is a light sleeper it took me only a few seconds.

"Whaat.." he mumbled still have asleep.

"It's almost 10 bro, we gotta get to school" I look around, "how the hell did we even get back to your house?" I asked

"You prolly crashed in the middle of the night, you sleep walk" is smiled and I hit his shoulder.

"Shut up! I don't even sleep walk"

"That's what they all say..." Namjoon finally opened his eyes and sat up to my poster. " did you get here though.." we were silent. Trying to think

"Fuck, Namjoon" he looked surprised

"What? You acting like we hid a dead body-SHIT! Jinhwan!" As lightning speed, we got off the bed minding you Namjoon is somehow only in his long boxers. We ran down to the basement, realizing by now his parents are at work and there's no one home.

We ran down the stairs and turned on the basement light, we look around the room and there was nothing. No one.

"Fuck did he leave?" I say, "shit!" I continue looking around but there was only a puddle of small vomit in the corner of the basement left from Jinhwan.

"Dude, he might know what happened last night how are we going to deal with him today?" I shook my head while scratching it.

"Just act normal. Mention the drinks, and only the drinks" I gave out a heavy sigh and one more.. , "fuck"

Jinhwan POV 7:39 am

Jinhwan you got carried away! Liquor always gets me easily. I've only been drinking for the past year but it's not like it's everyday and my body is use to it. I don't remember much. Nothing really. My plan was screwed by fucking vodka.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" My fist punch through the wall. I'm in danger, I can't let it slip, if they heard what I said about kyung it's over!

I woke up in someone's basement, probably Taehyung or Namjoons, wouldn't think they'd let me sleep there knowing the shit that's been going on.

At my house I'm standing next to the window, my hands in a fist, frustrated. I slipped again, thought everything was going smooth. The closer I get with Taehyung and Namjoon, the closer I get to the shit that's actually going on. There's something about Sunny that doesn't add up and I need to know, I'm not going to lie. At first she was a simple friend, but Taehyung anger issues made me want to take sunny From him, and it's not gonna be hard, plus she's very pretty. But it's not that anymore, sunny isn't the same girl anymore since I've came into her life, and I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad. But I like where this is going...

Taehyung POV 10:23 am

We finally arrive at school after cleaning the mess of Jinhwans vomit he left in the basement, and mine. I only had one drink and my body can't even hold. Vampire shit. Namjoon and I are thinking of a plan, but this shouldn't be hard. If we don't act like anything happened, then we can play it off like nothing happened. Plus we have to stick to the plan of going to Jinhwans old school, kyung did something to Jinhwan. It's not about him getting away from sunny anymore, Jinhwan has a secret that is ruining him to do something to anyone that is messing with him, and that's us. Not only do I need to protect sunny, but protect myself as well. He might blow up and if my dad gets into this, we are all dead. He doesn't like us already I don't want it to be worst.

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