Part 4 - Meeting The Team

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*You head into the main area*

Bruce: "Ah here she is! Our newest member!"

Thor: "Welcome" *He holds up his drink*

Maria: "Congrats Y/N! Any questions, come to me!"

Y/N: "Thanks guys. I'm excited to be here!"

Sam: "Well I think we should drink to that!"

Steve: *walks in* "You'll always find an excuse to drink Sam"

Sam: *laughs* "You know me!" *He cheers his drink*

*Nat gives you a look as if to say how did it go*

*You shake your head slightly and look disappointed*

*Just as you're about to go and sit next to Nat, Tony walks in*

*Tony: "Ah you must be the new recruit"

Y/N: *You hold out your hand for a handshake* "Yes hi, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Mr Stark"

*He shakes your hand back*

Tony: "Finally someone with manors showing me the respect I deserve" *he looks at the others*

Rhody: "Haha she'll soon realise why we don't!"

*Everyone laughs*

Tony: *he points at rhody* "Okay you shoosh"

*He leans towards you and whispers* "He's just annoyed that I already like you more than him"

*You giggle*

*You spot Steve look a little annoyed at you and Tony flirting"

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