Before We Start The One Shots

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Silent Ghost here! Before we begin on requesting, I just wanted to say that I've seen a couple of CR x readers around, and some on different sites. To which I decided to try my hand in these.

As you can see, below are bullet points of rules that must be followed.

1. Please be very patient and very respectful when requesting. I may not be available when new requests come and that I might be dealing with personal stuff in my life.

2. I can allow a small amount of angst. But please refrain from specifying what it is and how heavy it will get. It will be very upsetting to those who may read them.

3. Cookies that are CHILDREN are ONLY Platonic pairs (no pedophilia allowed). Please do not argue with me about cookie age. Not everyone will be okay with it.

4. I will be doing certain Cookies that are known well enough from everyone, unless there's a new cookie among the group.

5. NO NSFW REQUESTS (ex: lime, lemon, smut, gore, murder, etc.) this is a Child Friendly one shot book! And I will not allow "Yandere! Cookie x Reader" either. (For reasons, it makes me uncomfortable. sorry but I do not tolerate really dark, upsetting themes that can get very uncomfortable for everyone really quickly) Those Comments will be DELETED ON SIGHT

6. I will NOT allow child x adult as it is PEDOPHILIA it is very disgusting. Requesting these will be ignored and will not be tolerated.

7. Please use this page to request the cookie of your choice! I would have to decline the ones you requested in the x reader sections of this book... Those will be deleted and I would have to ask you to go here instead to request.

Wonder what it's like to be in the arms of your favorite cookie, or what'd it be like to be friends with them, or possibly by becoming something more? This place will provide you with many cookies alike!


I will be doing this during my free time when I get the chance of motivation to write or just do this out of boredom. But do please keep in mind that this takes lots of patience and a lot of time! I do hope you all enjoy reading them as I am with writing these out.

Cookie Run x Reader One Shots - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now