Licorice Cookie x Reader

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《Licorice Cookie's P.O.V.》

Another day, another mission that I know it was going to fail... I sighed as I looked at some of the minions I had with me as they were retrieving some important information I needed until Bat Cat came flying in with panic... "Meowster!! Those cookies are sabotaging our mission! What are we gonna do!!" I scoffed when they panicked and informed me of those... insufferable cookies that humiliated me and beaten me during those fights to stop us from succeeding with master's plans. "Then what are you waiting for?!? Go after them and attack!!!" I shouted at the minions as they jumped at my command and went after those cookies. Once they were out of my sight, I then went deeper into the ruins to retrieve a relic my master ordered me to get before they come and ruin the plans as usual.

'Finally, I can prove to master and everyone else that I am not a failure-' I immediately jumped at the sound of bombs coming closer to where I was and I turned around, agitated and angry from being interrupted to only see those insufferable cookies and... wait, usually there's only five of them that come to stop me and my minions but there's six of them..? I wonder exactly why they had another member within their small group..

The group of cookies who were fighting their way towards their destination were outnumbered but each of them were able to pass through many of their enemies as they defeated them one by one or group by group. "Everyone doin' alright? We're almost close to the destination." one of the members spoke out, some of the others including the sixth cookie nodded even though they were getting tired. "We're doing okay but... some of us are about to crumble Rye.. We should really rest and wait for a bit before we keep going.." as on queue, each of the cookies were in fact close to getting crumbled or tired, in which the leader of the expedition group sighed and nodded. "Alright alright.. we'll take a short break, but we'd still have to be careful. Theres still enemies around."

Once the group had settled down, little did they know was that, the enemies were just nearby next to them, watching their every move. 'I need to get a closer look on that sixth cookie... who are they?' of course, it was Licorice Cookie who was behind one of the trees, spying on the expedition group as he was looking at the sixth cookie. He didn't know exactly why he was fixated onto them but he knew something within his mind told him otherwise. Despite that it may cause him his mission and his pride to prove that he was better and worthy of praise from his master. Upon observing the group, he could tell it was a mix of cookies with different weapons, 'so.. we got a range, an ambusher, support and healer and defense huh? Then why is there a sixth cookie with them unless.. aha! They must be escorting that cookie.'

After grinning evilly to himself, Licorice Cookie then devised another plan to get that cookie's attention, not wanting to be caught in another humiliating battle. So he decided to signal some of the minions he had with him to attack the group at the perfect moment before he even can get close to the cookie he was interested in. "Was it just me or did you hear some evil snickering?" A voice was heard and immediately Licorice Cookie backed away and silently ran off not wanting to cause a scene nor wanting to get found out.

Once the reaper had then gone back to his minions, he took notice of something he knew was very valuable to the mission. "So you got what we needed huh?" as he spoke, the brute and bat cat nodded to him, "Yes meowster! We got what we needed!" "Good... now all we have to do is-" Before he could finish his sentence, he and the other two heard a twig snap and they turned to the source of the noise to only see the same group of cookies who came just before Licorice and his minions were about to leave. "Its you again! Put that relic down!" one of them yells out as they had their weapon ready to attack, and Licorice Cookie scoffed at one of them. "Hah! As if we'd leave without this relic! We're done here and we shall take our leave with it." "Not if we stop you from getting away with it!" As on queue, he summoned his minions to attack and when his eyes trailed off from the fight to the other cookie who was in the back, he couldn't help but feel different about them.

'No.. I cannot let this feeling be in the way of my mission..! But... it sort of feels nice in some way..? I need to go talk to them.' as he concentrated on fighting off the others, he managed to get away from one of them before he got hit and he managed to go near the cookie who jumped in surprise and fear. Before that cookie was about to yell out one of the names of the others, Licorice Cookie puts his hand on their mouth to keep quiet. "Quiet you..! I just need to talk to you ok?!" He sharply whispers as he drags them away from the fight to talk to them. "W-What do you want from me-" "Nothing. I just need to talk to you." Silencing the other cookie, Licorice sighed as he then looked at the cookie with a serious expression.

"what...? But why..?" "IT'S JUST A QUICK TALK OK!" upon the sudden yell, the other cookie winced as they looked at Licorice Cookie in fear. Of course, Licorice Cookie had to calm himself down in order to speak properly to the cookie he needed to speak to. "First off, what is your name? Secondly.. why did you drag me here in the first place away from my friends?" when the other asked first, the reaper said nothing as he stared at them, and he glanced back to where the fight was held. "My name? hehehe..." he snickered as he had his usual evil grin. "It's Licorice Cookie. Secondly, why I dragged you away from them? Isn't it so obvious?" the reaper still had his usual grin as he gestured to the fight behind. "Now, I get to ask you the same questions. First off, what is your name?" "..." "Come on, I don't have all day." "It's... Y/N..."

After Licorice Cookie got his first question answered he mumbled the cookie's name out in a quiet tone as he repeats it and before he could speak again, he heard the other cookies cheer as they managed to defeat the minions he had set out to fight them over the relic. "Tch... Well, seems like another humiliating defeat.." as he mumbles the last part, he turned around sharply. "We'll meet again Y/N... But this time, it won't be a simple chat." grinning afterwards as he leaves the cookie, he knew that somewhere in the near future during another expedition, he'll meet them again.

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