Dark Choco Cookie x Reader

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(b/s means body shape and l/h means length of hair)

《Narrator's P.O.V.》

      Not many know that the Dark Cacao kingdom was once a prosperous kingdom that used to be ruled by Dark Cacao Cookie, until it was taken over by dark forces, leading to the young prince, trying to protect the kingdom from crumbling apart. But ever since that day, when the prince had set off to his journey to find and take ahold of the forbidden strawberry jam sword everything went into darkness and war was ensued. But that was in recent years from when he destroyed his kingdom. Not from himself, but of the dark force that took control, destroying his home and his people. So let us go back a few years back to when the kingdom was peaceful for awhile until the age of the Dark Flour War arrived.

《5 years ago》

      Walking along the pathway through the market was a young cookie named Y/N who was minding their own business as they were just delivering some baked desserts from her mother's bakery and as she walked along the path greeting the other residents who were working, she saw a group of soldiers walking in a straight, formed line as they followed someone. "EEEEEEE IT'S PRINCE DARK CHOCO COOKIE!!!" Y/N overheard some of the village cookies squeal at a prince as they walked to the castle and when Y/N looked to who they were talking about, her e/c eyes widen as she saw the young prince himself as he greeted and waved at his people as he walked by with the soldiers behind him. But Y/N had to continue on with her own business as she had to deliver the baked goods to a house which had done an order for the bakery she and her mother worked at.

《Prince Dark Choco Cookie's P.O.V.》

      As I waved at my people and for walking along the pathway to the castle, I was more than happy to see everyone going on about their businesses, and I appreciated them all, even my soldiers too. "EEEEEEE IT'S PRINCE DARK CHOCO COOKIE!!!" I had heard my fans scream my name and I smiled at them with a wave, and as the soldiers and I continued on to the castle, I caught glimpse of a cookie I have never seen before. 'Who is that?' which made me pause in my tracks as I stared at the cookie who was walking with a basket of baked goods I had observed their features. 'a girl with beautiful l/h h/c hair.. beautiful e/c eyes, and a b/s of a maiden..' I sighed dreamily as I observed them until one of my soldiers cleared their throat to gain my attention.

      "Um sir. We mustn't let the king wait." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the soldier, I gave them a nod and we had continued our march to the castle where I was needed to go to for the meeting about something very important by the my father and the other leaders from the four kingdoms I've heard so much about.

《Time Skip》

      After arriving to the castle and into the council room, I had met up with father and the other leaders. "There you are Dark Choco Cookie. We have something to discuss." The king spoke as soon as he saw me enter the room, and I had taken a seat that was a bit far from the opposite side of his majesty and the rest of the leaders were just on the side of the round table opposite of one another. "Matters to discuss? Is something the matter father?" I ask him as soon as I looked at the king and then at the board that was shown. "Well as a matter of fact young prince.. there are matters we do need to discuss..." One of the rulers, I believed is Pure Vanilla Cookie, who had spoken as one of them stood up, and started to lecture about the matters of the incoming beasts that was wrecking havoc and darkness all across Earthbread.

《Time Skip》

      After the meeting, I was discussing plans with my father and how long the journey would take if I were to set off, but I needed a few months to prepare for it until then. "It is all but to sudden father... I might need to prepare before that day arrives.." I sighed as I had now just finished thinking about the plans in the near months ahead. "Well my son, it may seem like it will be months away. But Dark Enchantress Cookie does not spare a moment so soon and will attack at any time with her minions. Now go on and train as much as you need, but do not abandon your training and mess up your schedule." father frowned at me, but I knew he meant well as he pats my head.. Seems like I might be busy as of now.. but I wanted to see that cookie I saw at the village as soon as possible.

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