Raspberry Mousse Cookie x Reader

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Y/N was currently visiting her friend Raspberry Mousse Cookie, who had invited her to watch over PoodleBerry since he was a busy cookie wanting to keep his title for the Raspberry house. Since then both of them had to take turns taking care of PoodleBerry as it goes about exploring the manor and the garden that was next to it. During the afternoon, Y/N was conversing with Raspberry Mousse, who was lost in thought about something. "Hey Raspberry... you alright there? You seemed a bit in the clouds lately... is something bothering you?" Y/N asked, worried about her friend, Raspberry Mousse Cookie snapped out of his thoughts when she asked him. "Non, it's nothing Y/N I'm fine and I am not in the clouds... I'm just thinking about PoodleBerry's well-being, that is all." He spoke as he looked at his fencing sword.

Y/N shrugged at him, not wanting to question him further, but she did seemed curious to what he was thinking about, even though she knew Raspberry Mousse Cookie won't admit it to his friend, or to anyone else he interacts with. 'Today seems a bit tight on schedule but I wonder... why did Raspberry Mousse say it's nothing... Now I'm worried about him..' Y/N had sighed as she went outside to check up on Poodleberry which was just resting on top of a pillow next to one of the gazebo's. Raspberry Mousse was training with his guards as he parried each attack, but he was thinking about something which had him miss a strike, causing him to stumble slightly. "Sir... are you alright??" one of the guards asked him when they held a hand up to the fencer. "I'm fine... no... I'm not, I've been distracted for weeks since I first met Y/N and now I don't know what to do... What is this cursed feeling.." He glared at the ground after he got up from the help from his guards.

Each guard stared at one another until they realized that Raspberry Mousse Cookie had feelings for his friend, who was just a normal cookie with a normal life. "Well um sir... not to be pressuring or something but... Have you ever talked to the other knights about this..?" One of them spoke, careful of not wanting to upset the fencer even further. Raspberry Mousse looked at them with a puzzled look, and he started to think about it, "... comment vais-je leur parler.." He mumbles in french as he then decided to take a break from training. So he went outside to take some fresh air, to clear his thoughts about his feelings for Y/N.


It has been a few hours since Raspberry Mousse went to train, and Y/N was watching over his pet as it wanders off to find someplace to do it's business, "Poodleberry is cute, but I wonder why it always does it's business in different areas... but then again that pet has quite the luxurious life... I wonder what Raspberry is doing now?" Y/N gazed upon the garden as she sat down on a bench next to one of the gazebo's. Y/N was now lost in thought until she felt something on top of her lap, upon looking down she just saw Poodleberry settling itself on her lap and when it did poodleberry decided to take a nap while Y/N was sitting. 'Poodleberry is so adorable... wait what's this?' She saw something that was being held by poodleberry, so Y/N took the small piece of paper, careful on not wanting to wake the poodle up from its nap

The garden was quite beautiful to look at and for the female cookie she always loved gazing at the flowers that bloomed throughout the entire area of the garden, and when she was about to doze off, until she felt PoodleBerry move a bit, and she fell asleep with the pet in her arms. "So you're saying you have no idea why you have this 'cursed feeling'? *Sigh* Raspberry Mousse Cookie... you have a CRUSH on Y/N..." The cookie who spoke to Raspberry was non other than Knight Cookie, he was riding his horse when he saw Raspberry Mousse in deep thought and he was questioned about why he had feelings for Y/N.

" Tis' impossible... me having a crush... on Y/N?" He sighs as he tried to calm his heart down, and when he looked at Knight Cookie, he noticed that Knight seemed quite amused but he had something to do. "Well, it's a you problem Raspberry Mousse, I must head off as I am needed somewhere else for today." Knight Cookie left Raspberry to collect his thoughts and after a few minutes he was now blushing as he now realized that he needed to confront his feelings towards Y/N. 'I mustn't let Y/N wait too long... she might still be in the garden with PoodleBerry.' He shook his head as he then headed straight for the garden to see Y/N.


After arriving to the garden, Raspberry Mousse Cookie took noticed of both his pet PoodleBerry and his friend/crush Y/N sleeping together on the bench next to the gazebo. 'be still my heart...' he then took a deep breathe and approached them silently, not wanting to wake the two up, so he then sat down beside Y/N and putting his cape around her, in case the female cookie were to get cold. 'Y/N looks... adorable when she's asleep.. this cursed feeling.. might not be so bad..' he smiled a little as he watched the two sleep peacefully. A few minutes had passed and it was already sunset, so the fencer decided to wake Y/N and PoodleBerry up. "Y/N... wake up, I need to tell you something.." Raspberry Mousse then spoke softly as he shook Y/N gently to wake her up, when she did she seemed confused to why she had a cape around her, 'wait a minute... is this-' she was now fully awake, but she was still tired. "Raspberry Mousse Cookie? H-How long have you been here?" She asked him tiredly as she rubbed her e/c eyes. PoodleBerry was awake, and it nuzzled against Y/N as it was happy to see it's owner. " je suis ici depuis quelques minutes, mon cheri." He spoke as he gently took PoodleBerry off of Y/N and he looked at her with a small smile.

It was a good thing that Y/N understood what Raspberry Mousse was saying and she was laughing nervously when he said it, which caused her to blush a little at the small gesture he did. "Aw, thank you Raspberry... thats sweet of you.. but you didn't have to wait that long." She smiles as she looked at Raspberry Mousse Cookie. The fencer was glad to know that Y/N was happy and PoodleBerry had decided to leave them to be as it entered the house of Raspberry. So the fencer decided to speak to her about something, so he had a sudden change of expression, "I do have... something important to ask you Y/N..." He spoke as he looked at her e/c eyes. Y/N was confused for a bit but she shrugged, "Um.. go ahead and ask.. but whats so important to ask about?" She tilted her head slightly as she looked at Raspberry Mousse Cookie. The fencer took a deep breath and then he spoke, "Je t'aimais depuis longtemps et je me demandais ... serais-tu à moi?"

It took Y/N a bit to process on what he said to her and then she realized he was confessing his feelings towards her, "Raspberry Mousse Cookie I... I um.. *laughs nervously* I wasn't expecting that but... of course I would be yours monsieur!" The female Cookie then hugged Raspberry Mousse Cookie who was looking away embarrassed, but he was surprised to hear that Y/N had accepted the confession. He then hugged her back slightly as he was blushing, but a small smile was there. "je t'aime mon cheri"

《Some Translations if you don't understand french》

comment vais-je leur parler: How will I talk to them

je suis ici depuis quelques minutes, mon cheri: I have been here for a few minutes, my darling

Je t'aimais depuis longtemps et je me demandais ... serais-tu à moi: I liked you for a long time and I was wondering... would you be mine?

je t'aime mon cheri: I love you my darling

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