Rose Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

It was just a normal, sunny day for the Rose dancers who practicing as usual in the Rose Garden that was near the Noble House Raspberry. As each dancer finished their practice session, one of them spoke up to take a break. "Alright everyone, we all deserve a long needed break from practice for today." After speaking the other dancers agreed as they too, needed a break from practice from being outside for so long underneath the sun that brightened the afternoon sky. As each dancer conversed with one another underneath a gazebo that was beside the rose bushes, the main dancer Rose Cookie was humming a tune to herself as she smiled as soon as she saw someone approaching them. It was a friend of hers who came by to visit her and her dancers. "Oh hello there Y/N! It's a surprise to see you here at this hour of the day?"

the other cookie who was visiting, smiled and waved to Rose Cookie after they arrived to the garden. "Hello to you as well Rose Cookie! I just wanted to pay you and the boys a visit to see what you're all up to." as they spoke, Rose Cookie gestured them to sit down on the bench next to her as she laughs half-heartedly. "Oh you know the usual dear, me and the boys are always practicing as we dance tango. But its nice to have a break once in awhile no?" Once the other sat down beside her, both cookies began to have a conversation to one another about their day, and how it was going for the dance practices Rose and her dancers have been doing for almost a few weeks before an important event arrives into the town square.

The back-up dancers on the other hand, watched the two cookies interact as they talked, and when all four looked at one another, they knew that at some point at the party that was coming up in a few weeks for them and Rose to dance at, they'd be pairing the two together. Each dancer knew the two cookies are friends, but they knew there was something more to the two cookies. "We should pair them up at the concert..." "Perhaps, and maybe we should have them dance together?" "That seems to be a perfect idea..." "But wouldn't that give our plan away to get them together?" After the last statement, all four were silent as they thought it over.

《Time Skip to 2 weeks later》

After a week or two from every practice made by the Rose Dancers, and with the help of Y/N. It went better than expected by Rose Cookie who never knew that Y/N could dance so well and keeping the rhythm of the dance and music in sync whenever a specific type of move is needed for the practice sessions each and every dancer had to do. "You all did really well these pass few weeks! In about a few days the event will be held at the Town Square and it seems like everyone else we know are going to attend it to see your performance live onstage." As he spoke to the group, Rose Cookie had then smiled as she chuckled at Y/N. "Oh come now dear, we both know that me and the dancers are great at performing on stage and it will be very fun to be there at the event. Why not accompany me to the party?"

When the question was asked by Rose Cookie, Y/N looked at her with surprise and when he was about to ask her why she had asked him to accompany her, Rose Cookie laughs with a smile as she then puts her hand on his shoulder. "I am only asking for you to accompany me to the party, because I want you to be my dance partner when me and the boys get on stage." As the other cookie still felt surprised by the sudden offer and invitation from the dancer herself, he thought for a moment or two as he had to think about the offer he was given by Rose Cookie.

"Well.. alright but I never danced tango before so-" "Oh do not worry dear! I could try to teach you how to dance tango before we all go onstage in a few days tops before the party begins." Y/N then laughed a bit in a nervous state since he had admitted he never did tango before, but he was unsure about being taught tango lessons by Rose Cookie, who was a professional at it and a great dancer, alongside her back-ups who knew how to do tango as well. "If you say so... but are you sure you're okay with me doing tango lessons with you?" "Of course mi querido! Tango is but a passion of mine to dance with feeling and emotion. We shall get started right away, so you must get ready." After a pat on the shoulder from Rose Cookie, She then got up from the bench and walked away, to go to her usual practice spot with the other dancers.

Once Y/N got up from the bench as well, he knew that he had to practice tango with Rose Cookie after he got himself ready to do some dance practices with her. Although he was having some second thoughts due to how nervous he was going to get during the practice, worrying that he might step on her feet, or mess up the dance moves that were a part of the tango he had seen with Rose Cookie and her dancers. He would know that Rose Cookie is confident in him when they're both together onstage or when practice in session, so he went to go find Rose Cookie to see if she's still at the practice area in the garden. To his surprise, she was already there, conversing with the other dancers and when the male cookie stepped forward, to go meet up with them. Then Rose Cookie turned around to do something until she saw Y/N walking up to the group.

"Oh Y/N! You were just in time before me and the boys were about to practice!" as Rose Cookie smiles at the other cookie who came to view, the other rose dancers nodded in agreement as they were happy to see Y/N as well before they started practice with Rose Cookie. But the two of them never noticed the four have been planning the event in secret as they knew it was a perfect opportunity for them to dance together on the fourteenth day of the second month. "Are you sure they'll be ready by then?" "I'm sure, those two are a perfect match." "But wouldn't the other hesitate to ask her out?" "Have confidence. Rose Cookie has something in mind for the event with Y/N."

《Time Skip》

Practice after practice, Y/N managed to perfect his tango skills with Rose Cookie who helped guide him through each and every step as they both practiced with one another. From the other side, the back-up dancers did practice as well when Rose Cookie still guided Y/N with switching partners after one move from another. "You've done quite well for a beginner Y/N! You seemed to be just as ready as we are before-" as on queue, an announcement was heard nearby where an event was held. "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls! Today's event will be held for three days until Valentines day! And the first event this afternoon is a dance! As you can see with the roses that have bloomed for the occasion, we have our amazing tango dancer, Rose Cookie and her rose-dancers! Give it up for those five!" cheers were heard afterwards.

Once the five cookies went upstage, each individual gave a bow to the audience, but Rose Cookie's eyes were focused on Y/N as she smiled. That smile, was only meant for Y/N who had remembered a conversation he had with the back-up dancers before he and Rose Cookie practiced together. It only has been a month since he remembered the conversation. 'Rose Cookie expresses her emotions and feelings through tango. That is what we truly believe of her. She did say it herself, after all she is expressive.' the words still rang in Y/N's head from the four back-dancers as he watched the performance, and he was smiling at the group up onstage as he watched.

As many cookies cheered them on, and danced with the music as well with the cookies up onstage, Rose Cookie had then jumped off the stage and the reason for that was to go into Y/N's arms as she was coming towards him. Right before she hits the ground, Y/N caught her and she gave the cookie a reassuring smile as she whispered, "Follow my lead Y/N. You're my dance partner for this performance." nodding to her, both cookies then started to dance together which the crowd was now watching them as they both danced. As the two cookies were dancing among the crowd as they all watched, Rose Cookie had a genuine, sincere smile as she was happy to be with the cookie she had chosen to dance with. As for Y/N he had thought the same as he smiled back at her. Those two were not just friends or dance buddies, but more of partners in an intimate relationship with the same shared feelings to one another as they danced along with the music together.

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