Millennial Tree Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

It was just a normal, sunny day outside in the forest, and beyond the greenery lies a temple not to far away from where a cookie was headed as she was following the pathway towards a hidden area only she, and two others knew as they had been there before with a very wise, calm, and patient legendary cookie who had recently had been awoken from their cursed slumber a few years back. Although with how everything has changed during the legendary cookie's slumber, the wandering cookie was determined to help him out as she was hoping she'd be able to help him understand technology more even if she knew he'd rather be much more comfortable with using the old ways of communication.

After a bit of walking down the hidden pathway which was covered in beautiful flowers that lead the way to the hidden area, the female cookie soon came to a clearing where there was a small lake with a waterfall, a small meadow of flowers and a clear opening of the sunny, blue sky above the trees that covered the grounds providing the shade for many animals that go around doing their business in the wild. "Ah Y/N my dearest, welcome to my meditation spot.. would you care to join me?" upon snapping out of her thoughts about the scenery, Y/N looked at the legendary Cookie who was calmly sitting down, with a gentle, loving smile as he was meditating on a meadow free spot.

"Oh hello Millennial Tree Cookie, of course." as the female cookie accepted the tree's offer, she soon walked towards the spot he had patted for her to sit next to, as he waited patiently for his lover. Y/N and Millennial Tree had been together for a few months since they first met thanks to Wind Archer who introduced her to him, when both cookies were just having a stroll through the forest. It was quite the surprise for the cookie who was honestly amazed to how long Millennial has been asleep for so long and how he was able to restore anything around him with the calm aura and light he emitted around others he meets. For Millennial Tree Cookie, he was quite surprised that his guardian had introduced him to a cookie whom somewhat had no idea on what was going on, but he was grateful nonetheless to have met her that day.

When silence fell upon the two cookies, with the occasional rustle of the leaves, and bushes alongside the chirping from the birds, the ribbits from the jelly frogs, etc. etc. it was peaceful between the two as they were meditating in the serene forest where the life, had prospered and thrived with the protection Millennial Tree Cookie and Wind Archer provided. Time went slowly as the two were together and when Y/N opened her eyes to see what the sky color is, she took noticed of the orange hue it emitted and she knew it was already evening already, so she slowly stood up from her sitting position next to Millennial Tree Cookie and she stretched. "It is getting quite late, isn't it?" Millennial Tree Cookie's voice broke the silence, but his voice was gentle enough to not cause a scare on Y/N who gave him a smile.

"Indeed it is getting quite late... I must be going then, but I think a few more minutes here with you wouldn't hurt no?" As Y/N replied back, she had a small smile as she looked at Millennial Tree Cookie who had a soft gaze and a smile as he too, stood up from his meditation position. "Why yes of course, but do allow me to escort you home soon my dear?" they had both agreed to one another to spend more time with one another and as time passes by more slowly once again, the stars were now shining brightly in the sky, indicating it was now late for the two cookies. In which, Millennial Tree Cookie had then decided to escort his lover home as it was now dark out in the forest and to the city that was not far from where the forest was and where the temple resided.

Y/N who appreciated how kind Millennial was being as he escorted her back home, knew that no other cookie could mess with a legendary, except for one legendary cookie no one ever wants to speak about. So when two of the cookies had now arrived safely to Y/N's home, Millennial Tree Cookie gave her a small peck on the cheek as he smiled at her. "I'll see you tomorrow my dear?" "Sure, I'll see you tomorrow as well Millennial." After one more goodnight kiss, Millennial Tree Cookie waved bye towards her as she did the same as she watched him go back to the forest. When the female cookie went inside her home, and locking the door behind her, she smiled as she looked at the flower crown he had given her when they were meditating at the forest during her visit.

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