Mint Choco Cookie x Reader

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(F/M means Favorite Music)

It was a normal afternoon in the cookie village and it was also a sunny day as well, which was a great opportunity for Y/N to play the piano in her school, which had a few music rooms that were empty to use for clubs or music practice. She wanted to prepare an upcoming concert that was being held at the plaza, and there were cookies doing their usual activities for the clubs they're in or raising money for fundraisers. Some of them were also eager to go to the concert too, which meant that there was going to be some competition. When she entered the empty classroom, she went towards the piano and started to practice F/M. Little did she know was that, next door there was another classroom and the cookie thar occupied it, was non other than Mint Choco Cookie himself. He was quite popular among the cookies and a very talented violinist. Y/N was humming the song to F/M and when she was about to finish, she heard something, 'wait... why do I hear a violin playing?' a thought had came across her as she continued on playing on the piano, which had the violin from the other room, played the next note and keys.

《 Mint Choco Cookie's P.O.V.》

I was cleaning up the music room I was in, and I had decided to take a break from organizing all the instruments. When I was about to take out my violin, I heard a piano being played from the other side of the room, but it was next door. I quite enjoyed the song and it was rather soothing to hear. I then took my violin out and I started to play as soon as the piano's keys started to go onto the next stage of the song itself. I was having such a blast with the piano from the other side of the room, and when it finally went to the last keys and notes towards the end, I ended it with a final note.

《Time Skip》

When both musicians from two different classrooms finished, and ending the song afterwards they both had decided to see who was playing what whilst the music resonated in both rooms and across the entire school campus. Upon walking towards a door that separates both rooms, the first cookie to have opened it was Y/N, who looked up and saw Mint Choco Cookie, one of the popular Cookies among the school and one of the greatest musicians of all time in the Cookie Village. For Mint Choco Cookie, he was quite surprised to see Y/N, one of his classmates who always had a reputation of playing any type of instrument during band practice. "Oh uh.. hi Mint Choco Cookie! I wasn't expecting to have seen you there and um... wow this is kinda awkward.." Y/N smiles nervously as she looked away from Mint Choco, who just smiles and chuckles lightly at her. "It is fine Y/N, I was also not expecting to have seen you there too."

A few months had passed since Y/N and Mint Choco met with an awkward introduction and now they're both very close friends. For Y/N she was quite lucky to have been friends with the famous violinist and she was happy to have been the first person to have received quite a lot of compliments by his friends and his fans who were very glad and happy to see Mint Choco much more open to others. During a lunch break at school, Mint Choco Cookie had asked Y/N to meet him at the empty music room that had the grand piano sitting in there and Y/N accepted the invitation. 'I wonder what he wants to talk about... he's been a bit nervous around me lately... I'd better go and ask him.' she was walking down the halls as she was headed to the destination where Mint Choco was waiting for her. So after arriving to the music room, Y/N entered and she froze on her spot as she suddenly gasped at the sight of the room. It was decorated with beautiful lights, instruments were placed neatly in one place to make room for a dance and by the grand piano, and standing in the middle of the room, was Mint Choco Cookie himself. He was wearing his new years costume, which was the Magnificent Symphony, when he heard Y/N enter the room he was nervous and excited to see her.

《 Mint Choco Cookie's P.O.V.》

I was waiting for Y/N to arrive to the music room, which was decorated in such beautiful lights that shined brightly within the dimly lit room, the instruments lined up neatly surrounding the grand piano that was placed by the curtains, and an empty space that was fit for dancing. ' Cocoa Cookie and the others really have done so much for me... and for Y/N since they know how much I care about her.. Well this is it.' I smiled as I thought about Y/N. Her laughter, her smile, and her voice... it was music to my ears and I would never had been so much happier with her around. Then I heard the door open and a small gasp was heard. I looked up to see Y/N who was in awe as she looked at the room before her and her eyes landed onto me... Well, it's time to tell her how I feel.

Upon calming herself down, Y/N was still trying to process the situation as she approached Mint Choco Cookie, "Hello Y/N it's quite a pleasure to see you here and you've just arrived on time. There is something I'd like to show you and I hope you will like it." he smiles at her as she was being led to the chair that was seated next to a table. When Mint Choco Cookie went to retrieve his violin, he took a deep breath and he started to play a song, that was dedicated to her. When he played his violin, Y/N was humming to the song, since she and Mint Choco Cookie always done duets together and done a lot of collaborations when it came to music. As the song goes on Mint Choco Cookie looked up at Y/N who was humming and he gave her a smile as he extended his hand to her. Y/N was confused for a bit until she realizes that there was a speaker playing the song and that Mint Choco Cookie was offering her a dance with him.

《Time Skip》

As Mint Choco Cookie and Y/N danced to the song, both cookies were having fun as they laughed and smiled at one another, "Um Y/N... may I ask you something? It's... really important." Mint Choco Cookie had suddenly asked her nervously as both cookies had stopped dancing when the music ended. "Really? um sure.. go ahead and ask." she looked at him in surprise and she laughed a bit nervously, since she did in fact, had a crush on him since the day they both met when they heard each other's music from two different rooms. "Y/N... you are an amazing, beautiful, talented cookie I have ever known and met and I am very glad to have met you that day... so um, w-what I'm saying to you is... will you go out with me?" He awkwardly smiled at her, and he held her hands very close to his chest, waiting for her answer. Y/N had her eyes widen in shock and she suddenly hugged Mint Choco Cookie, "Of course I will go out with you Mint Choco Cookie!" and then both cookies laughed with one another, relieved that they both had feelings for one another. "I... I'm glad you felt the same way Y/N... I love you." he whispered as both of them were hugging each other close.

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