Energy Drink Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

After succeeding through fighting against the jelly walkers and the infected, each and every cookie had cheered and celebrated in victory to see the cookie world has been restored to its formal, peaceful ways. As everything was being reverted back to being normal, with the events of the jelly walker apocalypse that had happened to everyone. Somewhere at the base, mainly near the plaza, a cookie was just sitting by herself, polishing her w/c as she looked at the night sky that was filled with the stars and of the moon, alongside some fireworks that were all visible in the night of the party, that was being held by the group of surviving cookies and of the refugee's that were restored back to their normal selves.

Although alone, the cookie was thinking to herself about how everything has ended and that the war was over, causing a wave of relief and hope wash over her. 'can't believe it... we've won the war.. I'm so glad everything's over..' smiling to herself, she gazed up towards the night sky and as she was about to space out, she heard a pair of foot steps walking towards her, and when she turned around slowly, she saw masked cookie who had just led the war to victory and succeeding with the help from those around them. "Energy Drink Cookie..? What brings you over here from the party?" as Y/N asked the cookie a question, they shrugged as they then sat down next to her. "I... do not know but... I'm glad that everything... is over.."

As both cookies gazed up to the sky, and enjoying the view and the party, they felt rather comfortable around another in silence as they prefer it that way. Though, Energy Drink Cookie had been thinking about the new life he was given after the war was over and as he glanced at Y/N, he had a small smile on his face but it was hidden by the gas mask he was wearing, alongside his tank he wore on his back. Energy Drink Cookie was actually happy to be with his friend whom stuck around with him, even though there were a few cookies who were afraid of him, despite the long journey with everyone, he felt as if he had someplace to where he belonged and it was with the friends he's made a long way since he came to this world free from being a jelly-walker.

As time still passed by slowly and the party was still going on in the background from the two cookie's who were alone together, enjoying each other's company. Despite having the relief of the war being gone, Energy Drink Cookie couldn't help but wonder what life would be like as he had now got what he and the other cookies deserved for a peaceful, world free from the dangers around them. As he glanced towards Y/N a small smile was on his masked face as he was worry-free and happier around her. 'Times like these... is so rare yet so.. memorable... maybe this era isn't so bad after all..' Thinking to himself, Energy Drink Cookie didn't notice Y/N staring at him as he was staring off into the sky looking at the colorful fireworks that were still being blasted off to the stars to create a colorful, yet amazing show.

《Y/N's P.O.V.》

Gazing towards the sky, I then turned my head a bit to glance at Energy Drink Cookie, who was smiling behind the mask of his as he stared towards the night sky full of stars and fireworks that create illusions of an amazing firework show. I was so glad to be spending time with Energy Drink Cookie ever since he joined us to fight during the apocalypse. Even spending time with him has made life a lot more easier since the day we met too. I wouldn't forget that day he saved me from those jelly-walkers back then and I'm glad he stood by our side till the very end to where we are today.

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