Almond Cookie x Master Thief! Reader

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Requested by Salmonnette

The City was peaceful and quiet in the night and somewhere near one of the streets was a museum getting a "guest" sneaking from above through one of the windows that was at the top floor and on the ceiling of the museum. But somewhere at the bottom floor, there was a detective looking through a few files of missing items from the same museum that the "guest" was about to enter and to steal a precious artifact that was recently founded by a few scientists. As every single member of the Magical Emergency Handling patrolled every area, little did they know that guest was already in the museum, taking away a couple of the artifacts, undetected.

Almond Cookie was looking through the files and the security camera and as he was about to turn away after unsuccessfully locating the thief, he heard one of the member scream out: "Hold it right there thief!! Get back here with the artifacts!" To which he turned to the camera and saw the thief themself. It wasn't the Phantom Bleu as most cookies know that thief only comes unannounced during an extravagant party, stealing both the hearts and jewels only. But the thief he saw through the camera stole ancient artifacts and a couple of jewels as they had tried to get away. "Not this time.." The detective then quickly exited out the security office and after the thief who had managed to get away from his colleagues. Once the persuit had begun, the thief then looked behind them to see the detective himself and decided to try and loose him. 'Detective Almond Cookie... now thats a challenge I'd like to face.' As they thought with a sly grin as they kept running and avoiding the handcuffs, and a few other obstacles that got in the way. They managed to escape towards the outside area of the museum.

Almond Cookie's P.O.V.

I was able to catch up to the thief and nearly lost them in the process of the chase. I am not letting them get away from me this time and I will get them behind bars as soon as possible. "Almond Cookie to Dispatch. Get the thief and corner them to a dead end somewhere near the outside perimeter. Do not let them escape from your sight."





There was a dead end as soon as the thief stopped, there was no way out or a way to avoid MEH from being captured and going to prison. 'A dead end..? Oh-' before they knew it they got surrounded. "Of course.. He sent them. Now this is going to hurt you more than it does to me." to which the thief spoke and threw a smoke bomb at the incoming dispatch, and the master thief managed to escape, without being caught in the process and had finally left the crime scene beforehand. As soon as they managed to go to the streets, little did they know was that Almond Cookie was able to catch up to them without being noticed and handcuffed the escapee as soon as they turned around to see what just happened. "How did-" "Finally caught you master thief. You will be taken to prison asap and will be interrogated as soon as you go behind bars." 'Hah, it was fun while it lasted.' When Almond Cookie had started to walk to one of the police cars with the thief, the handcuffed cookie said nothing as soon as they entered the car and it drove off.

Time Skip

As the thief said nothing as they had a few plans, they decided to talk to the police driver who did not want to speak to the thief. "Oh Come on, won't you try to speak to a lady who's misunderstood for stealing? I did nothing wrong officer." Acting was one of their most effective way and the police glares through the car mirror, "No. And If I did which is now, you'd escape immediately and we don't want th-" Before they completed their sentence, the thief knocked the driver out, kicking the door open and escaping out into the streets, hands free from the cuffs. "Better Luck next time Detective, You've nearly got me and put me behind bars, but I won't let that happen. This challenge has been fun." The thief then ran off into the night, unable to be seen as the moon was setting and the sun was rising for another day.

It was not the first time the Magical Emergency Handling had faced an escaped criminal, it was rare for one to get away from the crime scene and both the police and the detective as well. But it was only the two exceptions, one being the Phantom Bleu, and now it was the master thief that almost got captured but got away. For the detective, he was not pleased nor happy about what happened the night before but he still had his mind set to capture the thief and return all the stolen artifacts that they stole from the museum.

"So they got away this time? Out of the police car when it was still moving." Almond Cookie sighed, he didn't want to have to deal with what had happened and here he was, speaking to the police. "Look, this is not the time to act out and shoot the thief. I may have a solution to this." After the meet-up, the detective then went outside, holding his cup of coffee as he had to take a short breather and a bit of time off of work. That was until he heard the alarm go off somewhere and he instantly stopped what he was doing and sprinted off to the crime scene before back-up arrived. From the crime scene, he had managed to see what was going on and saw a cookie, defending themselves from another criminal down and he and a few other police cookies were confused. "What is going on here-" Before the detective spoke, the master thief, who was just in their civilian clothes saw him and threw the criminal towards a police truck, and ran off.

"Sir, should we try to get to the suspect that defended themselves against this criminal or" One of them asks the detective who shook his head, "No, chasing after that cookie wouldn't be a good idea. Especially if it's a civilian defending themselves. I'll go and investigate. The rest of you, finish the job and take care of this."

Time Skip

As the master thief managed to get away from the crime scene and for defending themselves, they were in front of an alleyway, catching their breathe. "Dammit.. Those policemen and that detective were this close to interrogating the others.. I gotta-" "Going somewhere master thief? You're not leaving until you answer my questions about what you've bee up to." 'crumbs.' turning around they saw the detective who was a few feet away from them. "Well if it isn't the M.E.H. Detective. Look, Im not even going to cause trouble and I'll be on my way-" "To go steal more artifacts from the same museum? I don't think so." 

Both cookies were staring at each other, and the atmosphere around them was tense, even though the city was calm and bustling with cookies going about their lives. "How did you know I was the-" "You were obvious from the start as soon as that other criminal was downed. You are not fooling anyone Y/N." Y/N frowns as they were now on high alert, they knew they wouldn't escape the detective. "Fine. You got me, I am the master thief you and your co-workers tried to get after the Phantom Bleu." Identity revealed, Almond Cookie was now satisfied with the answer, but he still needed to get them to jail. "Aside from knowing who I am and what I do, so you're just going to take me in? That's a bit unfair though detective, besides it sounds like a date." Y/N then soon smirked as soon as they saw Almond Cookie look at them with shock and gave a frown towards them. "This is not a date thief this is an arrest-" "Well, to bad detective, sounds like a date to me. But better luck next time~ Maybe we can arrange a date once we meet again." 

That left the detective with shocked silence as he tried to analyze what happened as soon as Y/N escaped through the alleyway behind them, leaving without a trace. Almond Cookie on the other hand felt something on his hand and looked to see and realized it was the thief's number. 'That sly thief. What are you planning..' He shook his head with a chuckle, he couldn't lie but he did find them interesting to target after. But thoughts aside, he was determined to arrest the thief, no matter the circumstances that were caused throughout the city.

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