Madeleine Cookie x Reader

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《Madeleine Cookie's P.O.V.》

      I was on an expedition with my comrades in search of the five relics of the heroes of the past and as I fought alongside them against those pomegranate snakes and many enemies, I turned around just in time to deflect and attack before the enemy struck one of my dear friends who was almost about to crumble. "Are you alright Y/N?" I asked her as I helped her up from the ground, and I urged one of the others to assist her immediately. "I-I'm alright... Thanks for the assistance Madeleine Cookie.." as she smiled at me, it gave me such hope to know she's alright..

      As the expedition team went on forward to retrieve a few items on the way, and fighting a couple of enemies from time to time. The noble knight who led the expedition team was right besides his friend who was still recovering from the side effect from the poisonous mushrooms. "My dear, you really should get some help. Besides I don't want to see someone I cherish be hurt after the expedition." as Madeleine Cookie gave his friend a worried look, the other cookie looked at him with a small smile as they waved the side effects off a bit. "No need to worry about that Madi... I'll be fine!" After the short conversation, Madeleine Cookie still felt worried about his friend as they shrugged off the poison effect.

      Before the team was about to departure to the next destination, an ambush had suddenly happened causing everyone to get their weapons out as soon as possible, and before the knight could react the enemy managed to struck him causing him to get stunned for a few seconds as the others fended them off. "Madeleine Cookie!" Upon hearing his name, he managed to deflect an attack from one of the pomegranate cake hounds that was about to head-butt him. "Y/N thank you for the heads up darling!" as he concentrated his focus onto the enemies before him and the rest of his team, they were all able to defeat them after a few more skills were used from each individual.


      Once everyone was heading back to the kingdom, Madeleine Cookie couldn't help but stay by Y/N's side after the conversation they both had about the poison effect his dear friend had. "Y/N, as a noble knight and the commander as well. I don't want you to ever get hurt like that ever again. I need to be by your side at all times to be able to protect you and I don't want you hurt." as he spoke with a serious tone towards her, Y/N looked at him confused. "What do you mean Madi? We both know I'm perfectly capable of defending myself against the enemies we faced during the expeditions." "I know that, but... what if you actually gotten yourself in such a dire situation and I was not there to protect you in time?" After the last comment that came from the knight, Y/N had then thought about it for a few moments as she could tell that Madeleine Cookie was indeed very worried about her well-being.

      "When you put it that way... It does make a lot of sense and.. I would probably be gone by now..." a sigh escaped her as she then looked ahead as she, and the others were now nearing the kingdom. "Y/N my dear... Promise me that you'll be more safer by my side as I am going to protect you from here on out. Okay?" With a promise coming from the noble knight, Y/N then nodded to him. "I promise that I will try to keep myself from getting hurt from now on and to make sure your there by my side when danger is close" After the small conversation between the two cookies, they both knew that once they go onto another expedition, their promise is still going to be there if one of them are able to keep it.

      As the days passed and the promise was kept strong and unbreakable, the expeditions Madeleine Cookie, and Y/N had with the others were still ongoing and some were successful in retrieving certain items needed for the kingdom and what the history was about from other regions in the cookie world. "Still kept the promise you both made to each other?" a question was then asked by Rye Cookie, who may have noticed the two after the expedition from the other day, getting closer. "Uh- whatever do you mean by that Rye Cookie?" "Oh come on, I know that you two are very close together!" chuckling to herself, Rye Cookie had patted Y/N on the back as the other cookie looked at her with a surprised expression with a red face of embarrassment. "Okay okay- you caught us. Yes we are getting closer and please don't tell anyone about it.." "Oh don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you two." with a grin, Rye Cookie then left Y/N to go to Sparkling Cookie's bar to get a drink.

      Once the bounty hunter was out of sight, Y/N was still red from embarrassment, considering that she knew Rye Cookie had known she and Madeleine Cookie only gotten closer due to the promise. "Y/N my darling there you are! I was just looking for you and of course, Alchemist Cookie told me you were by the sugar cube quarry." Upon hearing the voice from the commander and noble knight, Y/N turned to face him. "Oh hello Madeleine Cookie! But what do you mean by you were looking for me?" as she asked him, the knight gave off a hearty chuckle and a smile as he approached the cookie. "Well, I am about to go to another expedition, but that only requires two cookies so I had decided to ask you to come along with me!"


      Once the two cookies had arrived to the destination from the map where the expedition was going to be held at, both Madeleine Cookie and Y/N were now off of the balloon and they both started to explore the area. The location was somewhat familiar but the path they had took, was filled with enemies that were lurking beneath the shadows of the tress watching their every move as the continued on the pathway for the expedition. Suddenly they heard a loud screech coming their way and before any of the two cookies reacted in time to get their weapons out and attack, the female cookie got hit almost immediately stunned from the sudden ambush. "Y/N!!" calling out to her, Madeleine Cookie then fought the beast that appeared out of no where, protecting the other cookie who managed to recover from the sudden hit and she saw Madeleine Cookie fending it off by himself.

      "Madi no-" Soon, Y/N had joined in on the fight against the ambushing predator and as they attacked it, both cookies then looked at each other and nodded as they both used their own skills at the same time to defeat the beast, which had interrupted their expedition. After the beast was defeated, Madeleine Cookie then looked to Y/N. "Are you alright? Did it hurt you anywhere?" He asked worried, and when he looked at Y/N she shooked her head. "I'm okay Madi. It's just a minor injury that's all." "Well... that is quite reassuring to hear." Chuckling afterwards when it was silent around them, Y/N the looked around and noticed the balloon ahead. "Well.. the expedition was short so.. should we head back?"

      "For you Y/N, we shall head back and tell everyone of our glorious victory together after the defeat of the beast we had slain!" The noble knight then boasted with pride as he laughs as he held his hand out to the female cookie who rolled her eyes as she smiled, taking his hand as the two cookies had then walked back to the balloon to leave the area from the now completed expedition.

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