Fire Spirit Cookie x Reader

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The night was long, yet it was very special, as it was a once in a life-time event as there was something very special about legendaries making an appearance. A special date was set for two certain cookies who have been together for a few years now, and tonight was one of them. "Fire Spirit Cookie, come on! We're gonna be late for the festival!" a cookie yelled out to her s/o, who was taking a bit of time as he was getting ready. "I'm almost done getting ready LavaBall!" Fire Spirit Cookie replied back. Y/N just sighs as she waited for Fire Spirit to come out of his room, and she was worried that the festival might start without him since he was supposed to make an appearance as a Legendary Cookie alongside Pitaya Dragon Cookie, to let everyone see what the flames are like in Dragon's Valley.

After the Fire Legend finished getting ready for the night, he came out with a lavishing suit of red, which matched his cape and his personality. Fire Spirit Cookie was smiling as he saw his s/o look at him in awe, and somehow he spot a slight blush among her cheeks when she saw his attire for the night. "W-Well... that was um- OKAY so we should get going Fire Spirit, we wouldn't want the other legendaries wait for you." Y/N stuttered a bit as she opened the door, the legendary cookie just laughs at how adorable his s/o just gotten as he went with her outside the house they both resided in. "This night is going to be the best one yet, LavaBall.. And I do mean it. I won't let anything ruin our night together at the festival." He gave Y/N a small peck on the forehead as he looked at her lovingly.

《Time Skip》

The festival was full of many decorations, from every region of the Cookie Kingdom, the plains, the ocean, the desert, and the taiga. Everything was full of life and many cookies and animals were attending to the festival. Upon the stage there were seven Legendary Cookies who all had made a spectacular appearance among the kingdom and what they were all capable of. In the audience was Y/N, who was watching Fire Spirit Cookie interact with the Legendary Dragon himself, as they were up last to show their side of the desert region to let the entire kingdom see what Dragon's Valley was like and for everyone to see their potential among the Cookies that lived among every region in the kingdom.

After the performance from the legendary Cookies and the pets too, all seven cookies went off to who knows where to enjoy the festival by themselves, but among them Fire Spirit Cookie decided to go and find his s/o to spend the entire night out with her to make the night much more memorable. Little did Y/N know, Fire Spirit Cookie had something planned just for the two of them as they go about through the special night. "There you are LavaBall! I was looking for you! Did you know that it was a bit hard to find you around the crowd?!?" Out of the blue, Fire Spirit Cookie wrapped his arms around Y/N, who had suddenly jumped at the sudden hug from the legendary cookie. "Geez Fire Spirit- Don't surprise me like that! And again, how am I that hard to get found by you?" She laughs as Fire Spirit Cookie smile at her, "Well... you're so small, and that makes you all the more adorable to look at and find." He smirked a little as he sees a small blush on his s/o's face.

《Time Skip》

After going around the stalls and games in the festival, Fire Spirit Cookie decided to take Y/N somewhere quiet, and the view from the hills made the night much more special to Y/N since the stars, lights, and decorations made the view very beautiful to look at. "Hey so Y/N, babe I just need to tell you something VERY important to ask of you..." Fire Spirit Cookie spoke, as he and Y/N were sitting down looking at the fireworks that were coming off in the sky, making the night sky shine with color. "Hm? What's important Fire Spirit?" Y/N asked, curious to what he wanted to tell her. So Fire Spirit Cookie took a deep breathe and he went to his knees, holding a velvet box before her, "Y/N... LavaBall, would you like to spend an eternity with me?" He was waiting for her to reply as he proposed to her. To Y/N's surprise, she was speechless and she had no words to say, and then she hugged Fire Spirit Cookie, "Yes! I would spend an eternity with you Fire Spirit!" Both cookies were laughing in joy and of course Fire Spirit Cookie was much more happier to spend the rest of his life with his now engaged s/o.

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