Raspberry Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

      A normal sunny day in the Hollyberry Kingdom, where all of it's citizens happily worked and had fun as there was a festival going on in the kingdom. Somewhere near one of the community gardens was the House Raspberry, where a cookie was having tea-time with another as they conversed over what they are planning to do before the upcoming Hollyberry Princess contest has arrived in the kingdom. That cookie who was talking to the other was none other than Raspberry Cookie, she was training to become the next Hollyberry Princess and also to honor her family's name after receiving an order from her cousin Raspberry Mousse Cookie who had counted on her to honor their family name and legacy. "So your saying that.. you train everyday to be the best fencer and the new Hollyberry Princess in order to honor and restore your family's legacy and honor?" The other cookie asks as they sipped on their tea lightly as they spoke to Raspberry Cookie.

      "Yes I train everyday to the upmost confidence and diligence Y/N, and I am to go for perfection and to achieve my goal to succeed in restoring honor and help these citizens as the new Hollyberry Princess." The Noble Fencer had replied gently as they looked over their sword and stood up to practice with it a few feet away from the tea table. Y/N watched Raspberry Cookie practice with her fencing sword for a bit as they set their tea cup down and adjusted themselves to feel more comfortable. Once the other cookie was finishing doing small practices with their fencing sword, they had sheathed it and walked back to the tea table and carefully sat down, right in front of the other as she picked up her tea cup.

《Time Skip》

      After having tea with one another and having a small training session during tea time. Both cookies were now roaming the Gardens of House Raspberry, enjoying each other's company as they quietly walked alongside each other as the day passes by slowly with a few rose petals flying by gently, carried by the calm wind. "So Raspberry Cookie, have you ever thought of doing something during your free time besides training and practicing for the Hollyberry Princess contest?" Y/N then asked the fencer as they looked at the cookie with a curious look. "I... never thought of it actually.. I normally spend my free time just training and practicing. My cousin, Raspberry Mousse Cookie expects the upmost perfection and won't allow any mistakes.. But sometimes I take care of Poodleberry when brother is out doing the fencing tournaments far from home." Raspberry then replies as she thought about what her friend said.

      Y/N and Raspberry Cookie had then arrived to the main hall in the House Raspberry and the cookie who was there was none other than the other noble fencer, Raspberry Mousse Cookie who seemed quite delighted to see his cousin and her friend. "Hello cousin, and hello Y/N." he greets as the two cookies had approached him, Raspberry Cookie gave a small smile and a small curtsy bow to him as the other did a curtsy nod to both. "Hello cousin, How was your training session before the next fencing tournament?" Raspberry then asked the other noble fencer who had nodded to the other. "The training session took a bit longer than I thought. But furthermore I had made much progress since the last tournament." As the two House Raspberry cousins spoke, Y/N had a smile to their face as they watched their friends chat with each other about competitions and how they have been for the past few days since they still trained for their respective roles in their family.

      Once Dusk had arrived, Y/N had realized they had lost track of time as they hung out with the fencers. "Ah shoot.. I forgot I was supposed to do something this evening and I lost track of time.. I am so sorry about that Raspberry Mousse Cookie, and Raspberry Cookie." as they apologized, both cousins looked at one another with a small smile, "It is alright Y/N. No need to apologize, time goes quite fast in the House Raspberry when we train daily after all." as the older fencer spoke as he did a salute with his sword, Raspberry Cookie nodded in agreement, "I agree with cousin Raspberry Mousse Cookie, Y/N. Time does not affect us cookies who train diligently and well. But if you say you must head off to do something this evening. Then shall the guards accompany you?" as soon as the younger fencer spoke and asked, Y/N was surprised and shook their head no. "Oh uh no thank you! It's appreciated but I can get by alone Raspberry Cookie. Besides, I know how to defend myself after all." chuckling soon after Y/N then started to head out the door of the Raspberry Chateau and waved by to the two noble fencers.

      'Seems like the two of them gotten along so well since the last encounter.. I am quite proud of my cousin.' Raspberry Mousse Cookie thought as he and Raspberry Cookie watched Y/N leave the Chateau to go to their destination. He knew that their friendship was strong as ever as the younger cookie had made the right choice of becoming friends someone other than himself, some of the Hollyberry Citizens and the guards of House Raspberry.

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