Latte Cookie + Nephew! Reader

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Requested by DuwayneSingh

another day, another lesson to teach at Parfaedia Institute of Magic, Latte Cookie was going through a review with her class about the coffee magic she had learned and used as she showed each and every method of how her students can use latte magic through glyphs created with the milk that was used to create the spell. As Latte taught her class about the importance of latte magic and its history, she was wrapping up the lesson as the classes were almost over for the day. As each and every student finished up their assignments, giving the papers to Latte Cookie to look over as the bell had rung as class had ended and school was over for the day, Latte gave everyone a smile. "Make sure to study for the next test coming tomorrow students! Be prepared for it tomorrow!" After the students left for the day, Latte Cookie gave a sigh as she smiled at how accomplished her students were becoming and how proud she was as she held a cup of latte in front of her.

"Time sure does fly when teaching such a young, curious group of students wanting to be the best wizards in history for all cookie kind." Now lost in thought, Latte Cookie continued with the cup she had, and was working on the papers her students gave her. From the entrance to the classroom another cookie was about to head in but noticed the other grading the paper with a cup in hand, lost in thought as she was smiling at each and every answer, sometimes correcting it or marking it wrong. That cookie was none other than Latte Cookie's nephew, Y/N who came by to the institute to visit his aunt who worked at the institute as a professor. He wanted to check in on her about how she was doing and what she was up to since she became a professor.

"Hey aunty.. Sorry for coming to the school without notifying you! I just came to the city to visit and-" as they spoke, latte cookie puts both her pen and cup down to see who spoke to her and as she stared towards the entrance to her classroom she was delighted to see her nephew. "Oh Y/N! Long time no see! I didn't notice you there, come in come in!" She says happily as she stood up from her chair and gestures to her nephew to sit at one of the desks to talk with her. "What brings you here to the city if I may ask? You're usually busy with your own studies of Latte Magic." As her nephew chuckles as they sat down at a desk that was in the front row of the classroom, Y/N knew how happy his aunt was when she sees him.

"Well, I was studying more about Latte Magic. Instead I decided to pause my studies to visit my favorite aunt y'know? Besides, how can I not see how aunt Latte Cookie is doing at the institute?" Y/N speaks soon after setting themself onto an empty desk. For that cookie, they had only a few days of paying their aunt a visit since they still had a small amount of free time before they get back to doing their studies soon. Y/N had then looked around the classroom to see alot of work from the students, from paper cut outs to small little positive notes. Latte on the other hand, was still doing her paperwork but occassionally she had asked her nephew some questions regarding their work and what they have been up to during the past few weeks or months. It was one of those moments where both of the two get to catch up with one another, about family and about magic.





Note: So sorry if it was short! I tried to think more but my brain conked out on me so.. have a short one shot,, and if theres a familial implication for a request please add the + instead. Familial is a platonic implication and even with children as well. x on the other hand is different than the +.

Cookie Run x Reader One Shots - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now