Rye Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

it was a normal, typical day somewhere in one of the villages that were somewhat far from the kingdom, and at one of the taverns came in the bounty hunter, Rye Cookie one of the most feared, yet admired bounty hunters any cookie had witnessed or heard of, coming in just to have a drink after a long day's work and bounty they've had got taken cared of, and receiving the reward from the client. Once the bounty hunter sat down at the bar, where she gets her usual she was smiling as she was in a good mood after getting what she had to do. "Hey barkeep! The usual." as on queue, the barkeeper had slid a glass towards Rye Cookie as soon as she said 'the usual'. Once she got her drink, Rye Cookie then started to chug it down and putting the glass onto the bar table as soon as she drank half of it. "Now that's the spot after a long days huntin!"

As Rye Cookie enjoyed herself with her drink, she looked around the tavern until her eyes landed on someone she recognized, almost choking on her drink as she looked towards who she saw. It was one of her friends back in the cookie kingdom, and it was a shock to the hunter to see them out of town and in one of the villages that was far from home. 'Y/N? what are they doin here far from home?' as Rye Cookie watched the other cookie from the other side of the tavern, the bounty hunter was able to get a look on what they were doing. From the other side of the tavern, the cookie that Rye was watching from the bartender table, was conversing with a client as they were getting something in exchange from the client's commission. "So your tellin me that, one of those goblins took ahold of the sugar crystal cave mines?" "yeah.. sorry about that Y/N, here's the 2 thousand coins I promised." "Thank you kindly ma'am. Do be careful next time."

Once the conversation was done, with smiles exchanged from one another, the cookie known as Y/N took the coin bag with gratitude, and as they were about to turn around, they felt a pair of eyes watching them. Of course, the pair of eyes were familiar to the cookie as they knew that the gaze can only be from a very well-known bounty hunter that was always talked by many cookies in other villages, including the ones that have their lives in bounties. 'I know that gaze... could it be..?' as they turned around fully, they saw Rye Cookie watching them from the bartender table with a half drunken glass of her usual drink. "Rye Cookie? Why ain't that a surprise to see you here this fine afternoon." as Y/N spoke as they approached the other, the bounty hunter lets out a hearty laugh as they patted a seat beside her. "Haha, good t' see ya too Y/N. Decided ta take a long needed break afta a long days huntin." Once the other sat down, both cookies were now talking to each other about their bounties they had to get and retrieve after finishing work.


Once both cookies headed out the tavern once they were done, the two of them were now heading back to the kingdom which was still far from where they were. So they had to take a train back to the cookie kingdom to drop off their reward and to relax for the entire day. "So Y/N, what were ya doin there in the village tavern eh? Been doin bounty work?" Rye Cookie then asked as she gazed towards the sunset that was behind a couple of rocks and a few trees as the train goes forward with the two cookies onboard it with other passengers. "Got commissioned to hunt down a couple of goblins that took over a sugar crystal mine that wasn't far from that village. Nothin big though, just a small group tryna take over." Y/N laughs a bit as they looked out the window to gaze to the sunset outside with Rye Cookie. Of course the other bounty hunter chuckles as she turns her head to look at Y/N.

"Y'know, I didn't come to the tavern just ta have a drink y'know? I came because you were there hun. 'Sides ya got my heart. So what do ya say Y/N? Wanna be partners?" Rye Cookie spoke in an honest, sincere tone as she looked to Y/N with a serious expression. The sudden confession caught Y/N in surprise as they looked at Rye Cookie and as they thought for a moment or two, they had a smile come to view as they reached their hand out to rye's hand and held it. "Of course I'd love to be your partner Rye. I like ya too." A big, happy smile was then seen by the other bounty hunter as she laughs with joy and did a small side hug to Y/N. "Glad ta hear that hun."

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