Espresso Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

      It was just a normal day in the cookie kingdom, and the smell of coffee filled the air which was a nice aroma as the morning sun was rising and somewhere in the kingdom, a cookie was still concocting the perfect brew as they have been up for the past few nights, working on their concoctions with no rest. That cookie was non other than Espresso Cookie who was pouring in a brew of coffee into a small beaker to taste test the texture and aroma the newly brewed coffee had. As he did so, Espresso Cookie's expression was of shock and disgust as he then puts the beaker down. "Tch... imperfection. I have to create the most perfect brew of coffee magic..!" Espresso Cookie then scoffed as he then went on with the next batch of coffee beans he had with him to create a new concoction.

      Somewhere in the kingdom, a cookie was walking in the town square as they had caught the scent of coffee roaming through the breeze in the kingdom. 'That must be Espresso Cookie working on his coffee magic again...' a sigh escaped their lips as they then walked to where the scent came from, and as they did the aroma of coffee grew stronger and powerful as they were near the brewing laboratory where Espresso Cookie was, doing his experiments with the coffee beans he had with him. 'Its literally 6 am in the morning and... why is Espresso up so early again..? Wait a minute...' a sigh escaped that cookie as they had now arrived to the brewing laboratory to see the Coffee Wizard himself, doing his work.

      "Espresso Cookie...?" when their voice broke the silence as they are now in front of the brewery, the wizard looked up with a raised brow to only see Y/N standing in front of him at the opposite side of the desk. "Ah Y/N, what a pleasant surprise to see you at this hour." as the coffee wizard greets the other cookie with a small smile, the other said nothing due to them being quite worried, but they did smile back to Espresso Cookie. "Yeah... it's a surprise to me too but... what are you still doing here..? I thought I told you to take a break from your work." The last statement caught the wizard off guard, but he didn't show his shocked expression, nor any signs of nervousness. Work was all he did whenever he needs to perfect something difficult as coffee magic. It was the only thing that kept him going as he not only wanted to perfect the magic itself, but to let many cookies learn that coffee magic isn't just something easy, but something of a challenge.

      "I- well yes you have my dear friend. But I couldn't really take a break from my work as coffee magic requires a lot of attention and-" 'there he goes, rambling on and on about coffee magic...' Y/N sighed as they then sat down on a chair as they listened to Espresso Cookie go on and on about coffee magic and its properties. As the wizard rambles on, the other cookie, who had awoken to early in the day, started to fall asleep as they were still tired from waking up from the sounds of the blue birds delivering items to cookies around the kingdom, and the sound of the train going by as it leaves to deliver materials to other neighboring kingdoms.

《Espresso Cookie's P.O.V.》

      As I was explaining the properties and components of the coffee magic I have been working on endlessly, I soon stopped speaking my lecture to only see Y/N already fast asleep on the chair they were sitting on. "Hm, so Y/N fell asleep during my lecture? Normally they'd never- oh..." I then sighed as I realized that the day was far to early to even explain to Y/N about why they shouldn't fall asleep outside and when I glanced towards the clocktower, I knew it was far too early for some cookies here in this kingdom to be awake during hours like this one. "Oh well... Might as well take them back home to sleep properly, and perhaps I can continue working after dropping them off to their house."


      When Espresso Cookie took Y/N off of the chair of his brewery, and carrying them on his back, he slowly walked out of his station and went towards the direction to the other cookie's home, which wasn't really that far from where he currently was as he carried them back home. Espresso Cookie didn't seem to mind on what he was doing, but he was only doing so just to make sure his dear friend didn't get cold in the early hours in the kingdom. The temperature is still cold so he had to quickly get to the house. After a few minutes of walking to the house that belonged to Y/N Espresso Cookie sighed in relief as he then found a house key hiding in a potted plant, 'she does know when to have extra keys huh..? Good for Y/N.' chuckling silently as he knew that Y/N once told him that there was an extra house key incase Espresso Cookie decided to come by and visit or drop something off whenever Y/N might be out of their home doing some work in the kingdom.

      Upon entering the house, and closing the door behind him with Y/N on his back still, the coffee wizard then put the cookie down onto the couch as he then adjusted his coat a bit. As he gave a small pat to the cookie's H/L H/C, he looked around the house for a bit and something caught his eye. In which he then approached one of the glass shelves in the living room, and inspected on what was inside of the shelf. "How curious..." Espresso Cookie then started to think as he inspected the shelf even more and as he finished analyzing on what was seen before him, he had then connected the dots to realize something. "So... Y/N attended the academy Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie went to, before everything had changed..? Interesting..." as he finished getting his answers within the items that he had seen, the wizard then turned around and decided to leave the sleeping cookie alone as he needed to go back to doing his research.

      Upon getting close to the door of the front of the house, Espresso Cookie was about to reach for the doorknob until he heard Y/N speak in a soft tone. "Es..presso Cookie..? Please don't leave yet..." turning around, Espresso Cookie looked at Y/N who was half-asleep and half-awake as he saw them reach out to him tiredly. "Please stay... I don't want you to overwork yourself..." the cookie pleaded him as they looked at the wizard with tired eyes. "Oh alright... I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay and take a break... if its for you Y/N." Espresso then walked up to them, and sat down beside the cookie on the couch, to which Y/N smiled softly and snuggled up to him, before falling asleep they said something to him. "I love you Espresso Cookie... I really mean it.." The coffee wizard looked to Y/N who was now falling asleep, and before they could fully go unconscious to the arms of slumber and dreams, he told them back, "I love you too Y/N. From now on, I will take breaks only for you... and myself."

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