Fire Spirit Cookie x Reader

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《Narrator's P.O.V.》

      It wasn't that obvious to see the Legendary Cookie himself flirting with the cookie he decided to go after, and whenever he gets a chance to flirt with them. It would be right now. "C'mon babe, I know you love me~" Teasing, Fire Spirit Cookie had a smirk as he saw his favorite cookie, Y/N suddenly go red in the face as she covers her face with her hands out of being flustered from the legendary cookie's teasing. For Fire Spirit, he finds it adorable to see her reactions and he always has his way of trying to get his crush to fall for him no matter how many times she refuses to admit it. "Y/N, babe come on you know deep down you love me and you know that! Besides wouldn't you love to be with a legend like me? I am the hottest cookie around and that ain't gonna stop me from loving you~"

      Each time Fire Spirit Cookie flirted with Y/N and for getting a reaction out of her, the legendary cookie still finds it adorable as he teases her and hints his feelings to her whenever he gets the chance to hang out with her or just blatantly saying it out of the blue whenever they were both alone together. But of course, with what he said with the last comment, that made Y/N instantly die internally but she knew deep down she does care about him and she does love him back. Despite hiding her red face, she knew Fire Spirit won't stop teasing or flirting with her no matter how many times she tries to avoid him or ignoring his attempts. Which fails since she always get found by him whenever she's out doing some grocery shopping or just visiting the central city park on her day off. "F-Fire spirit come on.. don't do this to my heart- why are you like this?" When she asked him, Fire Spirit Cookie chuckled with a grin as he circled around her.

      "Babe, I do that because I genuinely love you and I want you to go out with me. I am telling the truth." He wasn't kidding when he said it as he was serious of the conversation he and Y/N are now having. 'he... loves me in a a serious way..?' Thinking for a bit, Y/N was confused for a bit until she realized his intentions for flirting with her.. "Wait... so the reason you keep doing that is because you love me, and that you're literally serious about it?" "Yes." "Oh.." Awkward silence came but as soon as Y/N did an 'oh' and after a good couple minutes, Fire Spirit Cookie then cupped her cheeks with his hand. "Y/N. Even though I always flirt with you, saying pick-up lines and trying to hint every single advances I do with gifts and being with you longer. I actually do mean it. I do love you."

      As Fire Spirit spoke the truth and for being serious on what he was saying to Y/N, she didn't know what to say after the last comment and as she looked at him, she sighed a bit. "To be fair and honest.. I actually felt the same way about you but.. I didn't want to admit it because I was unsure how you'd react.." laughing nervously afterwards, she put her hand on the legendary cookie's arm as she looked at him with a small smile. Fire Spirit Cookie had a look of surprise as she said it and a chuckle came out of him. "Well babe, I guess your gonna have to deal with me flirting with ya non stop-" which he then earned a punch to the shoulder playfully by Y/N.

      "Yeah yeah... you're going to do that but that won't stop me from getting back at you someday with one Fire Spirit." Both cookies laughed as they were now walking (well- flying for FS' case) together, enjoying each other's company as they were now in a relationship together. 'After all those attempts.. I finally hit the jackpot!' Fire Spirit Cookie smiled as he glanced towards Y/N as he thought about his success.









This Originated from my Cookie Run Ovenbreak x Reader One Shots on Quotev! Most of my works are all from and have always been there since June 2018.

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