Roguefort Cookie x Reader

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( f/s means favorite show, f/d means favorite drink, and f/f means favorite food)

《Y/N's P.O.V.》

I was just having a normal day at home as I was just chilling in the living room and I was just watching f/sh on the tv with a snack and a drink. That was until I heard something near the window, which I suddenly jumped from as I glanced to the front of the house, to only see nothing... 'I swear I saw something for a split second..' I thought as I then paused f/sh and turned the tv off, and I got up and went to put away the f/f I had and the f/d as well. As I was about to head back to the living room, I heard something crash through the window and I then ran to the source to only see a few blue dusts which I then frowned at. 'please don't tell me that's roguefort..' as I was about to turn around, I heard someone behind me, "Ah pardon me mon cherie. So sorry for intruding in~" I then facepalmed knowing who it was. "Phantom Bleu- Roguefort Cookie.. why the ever loving TREE did you crash my window?!" I sighed as I turned around to see the phantom bleu who seemed to be in perfect condition, but my window wasn't.

《Narrator's P.O.V.》

Of course, Roguefort Cookie didn't seem to be surprised as he saw the window's condition but he was smiling at Y/N who was not all to happy about the broken window situation. "Oh come now my darling jewel, Can't I pay someone as beautiful as you with a visit?" He flirted with her as he then walked up to her and caressed her face with his hand. For Y/N her face went a bit pink as she almost got flustered and she shook her head. "Well not when you just CRASHED through the living room window..." She then pushed Roguefort's hand away from her face as she was looking away from him out of almost being flustered by his attempt. As Roguefort Cookie saunters around Y/N's home, he took noticed of the calling cards he's written just for her, untouched and not opened. "Ah.. my jewel, why haven't you opened up my cards to you?~" he pretends to be hurt as he looked at Y/N who was already cleaning up the mess that was from the crashed front window of her home.

"I didn't open them because I had no time to read them and I was really busy during those days when you keep on going to every single party you attend to, to steal the jewels and hearts from others." As she says it, Roguefort seemed to have hummed a little as he stares at Y/N. "Well my jewel, I do have something to tell you though~" "Tell me what exac-" Before Y/N could finish her sentence, Roguefort Cookie leaned in and gave Y/N a gentle, yet long kiss. Which lasted for a few minutes until he pulled away with a small smirk and he gave her a wink as he then kissed her hand. "Roguefort- WHAT THE TREE WAS THAT FOR?!?!" Y/N exclaims as she was a blushing mess. "Oh come now, mon cherie~ It's just a simple loving kiss~" He smirked even more as he teased and dodged Y/N who tried to hit him with a punch to the face.

《Time Skip》

After the teasing and the dodging punches, Roguefort insisted he fix the window as an apology to his lovely jewel who just rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah yeah... but I'm pretty sure you're going to crash into it again the next time this happens.." Y/N sighs as she then sat down on the couch in the living room, and Roguefort sat next to her with a smile. "Of course mon amour, I promise I won't do that. But I don't make promises of that either my lovely jewel~" He pecked Y/N on the cheek as he wrapped her in his cape as he held her close. "Mon amour?" "What?" "I love you my beautiful jewel~" "Yeah yeah... love you too Roguefort."

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