Mango Cookie + Prince! Reader

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Requested by neonmatsu from Quotev

《Narrator's P.O.V.》

It was just a normal day in the archipelagos but something was different, there were plenty of decorations set up around the island from top to bottom as it was filled with beautiful decor of flowers, hand-made items that will be soon given to others, and what was surprising in the Tropical Soda Archipelagos was that all dragons were present. Every single dragon, in one place was one of the most rarest moments and the most memorable events known to cookie kind among the archipelago's residents and today was going to be a grand event. As there was news of a royal cookie visiting from a far land coming to the archipelagos to meet with the residents and the dragons themselves too. And on vacation nonetheless.

Once everything was set up and ready to go, the residents of the archipelagos were having conversations with one another, and even some of the dragons were chatting with them too. Among one of the residents was the local tour guide, Mango Cookie who was eager to meet the royal cookie that was coming to the archipelagos on this special occasion. Mango Cookie of course wanted to meet them since it was a special occasion, but he also had other plans as well. He knew that the visit wasn't just for royal business with the dragons, it was mainly to be around the archipelago's people, and for their family who wanted to have a relaxing vacation without worries of their kingdom.

《Time Skip》

Soon after, a boat had arrived to the docks of one of the islands in the archipelagos, which boarded the royal family that came to the islands to meet with the people and its dragons. One by one the royal cookies came out of the boat and got off of it with the help of the archipelago's residents, as each cookie greeted the royal family. Mango Cookie saw the prince for the first time and he gave a smile when the prince turned and saw the tour guide himself. The prince gave a smile back as he did a small wave to Mango Cookie, and he turned back to his family as they conversed with the people.

As the tour guide watched his friends and family talk to each other and to the other group, he saw one of the dragons lift a child in the air as he heard them laugh, 'seems like some of the dragons like the royal visitors!' smiling to himself he was glad that the visit was going great for the archipelagos. As every cookie and dragon interacted with each other, each and every one of them were all glad to have met the royal family. From the other side of the beach, the prince was looking towards the clear, beautiful soda ocean. He was lost in thought as he stared off to the view until he felt someone tap his shoulder, and upon snapping out of his thoughts he slowly turned to face who tapped him. "Oh uh sorry about that your highness... I was worried when I saw you by yourself!" Mango Cookie spoke as he apologized to the prince with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh no no, your fine! I was just admiring the view actually. You and your people really did an amazing job with the islands. They look breathtaking." as Y/N complimented, Mango Cookie laughed as he kept smiling. "Thanks! But give the credits to the dragons instead, they were the first ones to create these amazing, beautiful islands that make the tropical soda archipelagos, oh! Pardon me, my names Mango Cookie, your local tour guide!" as Mango Cookie introduced himself finally, the prince smiled at him. "I'm Prince Y/N of K/N. But we don't have to be formal, so just call me Y/N." "Ok Y/N! Still, its such an honor to meet you and your family!"

《Time Skip》

as the prince and the tour guide chatted with each other, talking about their day, the prince's trip from home to the archipelagos, and how both sides are doing during the event. Both of them were getting along just fine and were becoming friends as they both chatted with each other, and as they were walking along the beach side to go to the others at the events. They were still talking to each other until they stopped in front of the avenue. "Well, the party just started so you can just relax and have fun Y/N! I got some stuff to do, so I'll probably see ya in a few hours or so." as Mango Cookie spoke to the prince as he held his paddle, Y/N nodded with a smile as he waved bye to the other as they walked off to do their work on the island.

As the prince looked beyond the horizon, he saw some of his family members laughing as they were conversing with some of the residents that inhabited the island he and the others had arrived to, and Y/N couldn't help but smile as they decided to walk along the shore of the clear tropical ocean. He made a new friend that day and he hoped that this vacation will forever be the best one yet.

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