Ananas Dragon Cookie x Reader x Pitaya Dragon Cookie

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Requested by Miss Cooilk from Quotev

《Narrator's P.O.V.》

It was just a normal day in the cookie village as Y/N was walking around town as she was coming back from shopping at the market place, and she was heading straight home to put away her groceries. As she was walking, she felt two things latch onto both her legs and when she looked down, she saw Dragon Fruitling and Pineapplemur. Two pets that belonged to two legendary dragons who had been recently seen and around in the village and somewhere around the lands far from the cookie kingdom. 'Weird... why are those two clinging onto my leg..' Y/N was still confused to why they were clinging onto her and as she nudged both of them carefully with one of her grocery bags, they eventually let go of her and they seemed to be trying to tell her something.. It was sort of a good thing she understood pet language thanks to a few friends of hers who understood on what they said.

The Dragon Fruitling squawks a bit as it wanted Y/N to get home quickly, and as for the other pet of the Golden Dragon. It huffed slightly but it didn't want it's master to find her either as it knew that the Golden Dragon probably might take her to the archipelagos and lock her in the prison in his lair. "Why do I get the feeling Pineapplemur was motioning the word 'prison'- y'know what never mind.. but why though?" Y/N then asked the two pets as she was already going back to what she was doing which was heading home. Which she had then left the two pets to worry as they knew both of their masters would probably find her immediately and start a fight...

《Time Skip》

After Y/N got home, she had already put all of the necessities from her shopping spree away, and as she double checked everything as she was counting on how many she had bought and looked over, it seemed to be the right amount as she was now relieved. 'good... hopefully it won't be like last time when those two came..' As she sat down on the couch in the living room, she heard two voices not far from her house, which she had then instantly winced as she heard a few hisses and a bit of arguing. 'Don't tell me... a fight is going to happen..' Y/N groaned silently as she just wanted a peaceful afternoon, but instead it was interrupted by two dragons who were now in front of her house arguing. Yet, Y/N knew a fight might happen soon enough if the situation outside were to escalate quickly. So she decided to quietly open the front of her house as she saw non other than both the Red and Golden Dragon glaring at each other as they argued.

Both dragons were unaware that Y/N had exited quietly out of her house to confront the two as she didn't want a fight to start in the middle of the neighborhood, and as the two were about to unleash their powers to attack, they felt something grab both of their tails, which made them both fall down to the ground below them. Once they realized what just happened, they immediately took noticed of the female cookie who seemed to be quite peeved as she was getting quite annoyed by their antics. "Why the ever loving tree are you two ALWAYS trying to start a fight around me... I already told you both COUNTLESS times about this and PLEASE just take that somewhere else..." As she scolded the two, both dragons didn't say anything as they still glared at each other, but both of them knew better not to make Y/N more upset than she already was as she was very annoyed.

"..." with nothing spoken coming out of the two dragons, the female cookie sighs as she then started to drag the two away from the neighborhood from the end of their tails, which resulted them making a blank expression but they did wince at how strong she was as she had an iron grip on their tails. 'Why musssst she do that..' The Red Dragon was just staring at Y/N as he was being dragged by the tail, whereas the Golden Dragon must've had the same thought as Pitaya. After they were both dragged to a different area, probably an empty parking lot. Y/N had then let go of both the tails of the two opposing dragons who held both of their tails afterwards since they didn't like their tails touched. "So.. care to explain to me WHY you both were about to fight?" As the question was asked by the female cookie, both dragons glared at each other again and they both started to argue.. again..

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