Leek Cookie x Reader

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requested by nebulachanowo from Quotev

(j/l means job location)

《Narrator's P.O.V.》

At the central park in the city, a cookie was having a small break at a bench as they had done a work shift just a few hours ago and they were free for the entire day since they needed a break from all the stress and work they've been doing at j/l. As the female cookie looked up at the sky to do some cloud watching, she heard something being played by someone, somewhere nearby in the park. She just sat there on the bench in the park as she gazed towards the clouds above in the sky, listening to someone playing an instrument. After a bit of cloud watching, the female cookie then decided to get off the bench and as she stretched, she took noticed that the sky was already in an orange, pinkish hue. Indicating that it was already getting quite late.

"Are you heading home miss?" A sudden voice spoke as soon as the female cookie looked at the exit of the park, and when she heard that she jumped as she got scared by the voice. Turning to the source, she saw a cookie wearing a bamboo hat over their face. "O-Oh um... yes, I was about to head home sir.." After calming down for a second or two, the female cookie. For a moment of silence, the cookie with the bamboo hat looked around and then they looked back at the other cookie. "Ah.. pardon me for not introducing myself miss... I am Leek Cookie, the heir to the Leek Clan.. I am on a journey to restore my clan, and to finally restore honor by defeating the cookie that sullied my people's name and honor." As the cookie introduced himself, the other seemed to have forgotten to introduce herself also. "Oh well um.. it is nice to meet you Leek Cookie.. I sort of forgot to introduce myself so... um my name is Y/N L/N. But just call me Y/N instead."

《Time Skip》

After the small, yet awkward introduction, silence fell once again as the two cookies were now quiet between one another. Even though the sun was setting, Y/N didn't really want to stay out for to long so she had to go home, but seeing that the other cookie had a journey, she sort of had a feeling that Leek Cookie might be exhausted from traveling so far from home. "I know that this is um... last minute but.. would you like to stay at my place until you go off for your journey?" The cookie asked him as she was getting up from the bench she was sitting on next to Leek Cookie. The traveling cookie stared at the other in confusion as she offered him a place to stay for awhile, and as he looked at her, he seemed to be contemplating whether he'd decline or not. But he didn't seem to waste anytime as he then stood up from the bench he was sitting on and he gave Y/N a small nod, indicating he'd be staying at her place for the night.

After exiting the park and towards the small neighborhood, Leek Cookie couldn't help but glance around as he sensed something was following them from behind.. in which he had then put both his hands near his sword as he squinted slightly towards his surroundings. 'Who could be possibly following us... I swear if it's one of those bandits..' he thought as he then unsheathed his sword hitting someone who was about to touch Y/N who jumped in fear and surprise to see the culprit. "Tch... I knew something was up.. you." Leek Cookie then pointed his sword directly at the culprit who was wide eyed and was fearing for their life. "I want you OUT of our sight... and away from this small neighborhood immediately. Understood?" as Leek glared at them, the culprit nodded vigorously and they scampered away as they ran for their life from his threat.

《Y/N's P.O.V.》

W-What the tree just happened..? Why did Leek suddenly hurt that cookie and why did he- "They were going to hurt you miss. That is all. For now, I must escort you home." He spoke as soon as he puts his sword away in an instant as we both watched the culprit running away... "W-Well okay I guess... but you sure Leek Cookie? I could just be fi-" I was then interrupted as soon as he held my hand which caused me to blush at the sudden gesture. "Don't argue... just.. lead the way to your home alright.." Strange... why would he.. oh..

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