Sparkling Cookie x Reader (Masquerade Ball)

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        During a calm, peaceful night at Sparkling Cookie's bar, many cookies were enjoying themselves as the day was over. The bar was full of a lively atmosphere as there was a talk of the town about a Masquerade Ball, which is being hosted by Sparkling Cookie. As everyone chatted about the upcoming party that was coming in just a few months away. A cookie named Y/N entered the bar, curious to what is going on and Sparkling cookie gave his best smile, greeting her to the place, she walked towards the charming bartender to take a seat. "Hello there! It's nice to see a new face around town, what can I get a pretty girl, like you here?" Sparkling Cookie responds as he turns to face Y/N who was surprised by the sudden compliment, which made her blush a little. "Hello Sparkling Cookie! I'm Y/N and I was thinking about getting F/D for now, since it's been a long day for me."

 Sparkling nods as he then goes somewhere to get her drink. Y/N decided to look around the bar as she waited for her drink, and she noticed a lot cookies that were in the bar laughing and talking with one another. Some of them even had some contests to see who can win with the most jellies eaten or having a drinking contest to see who can last longer than the other.
"Here you go Y/N, your F/D just for a beautiful woman. And it's a surprise to see you here, since we've been both busy huh?" He chuckles a little as he sees Y/N jump in surprise, when he placed her drink down, "T-Thank you Sparkling Cookie.. and yeah, it has been awhile. But it's nice taking a break once in a while huh? " she nervously laughs and she smiles, as she accepts the F/D, Sparkling Cookie gives her his signature smile, and they both went into a conversation about their day, and possible a next date.

 From the other side of the bar, one of the cookies took noticed of Sparkling Cookie flirting with the new girl that came into the Bar. "Hey guys? Sparkling Cookie and that new girl seemed to know each other and does it seem strange that I kind of can tell that they're dating?" one of them whispered to the other, "or maybe they're just friends C/N" another one spoke as they were focusing on a ball, as they were playing Pool. So the bet has begun from each side to see whether both Sparkling Cookie and Y/N are dating, or if they are only friends to one another. When the night at the bar has ended, the cookies started to head on home to sleep for the night and be ready to work the next day, so Sparkling Cookie was just closing up the bar, and he noticed that Y/N was still around, "Y/N, you know you can help me close up right?" He asked her as she was lost in thought.

 Y/N jumped from the sudden question as she lost her train of thought, "Oh uh yeah... sorry about that Sparkling! Of course I can help!" She smiled when she heard him chuckle at her. "So Y/N, I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the Masquerade Ball that is coming tomorrow?" He asked her as he finished off a few cups and putting them up on the cabinets. Y/N hummed a little as she thought for a bit, and she smiles at Sparkling Cookie "Of course I would accompany you to the Masquerade Ball, Sparkling Cookie!"

《Time skip to the Party》

After the conversation with Sparkling Cookie, Y/N had decided to go to the masquerade ball that was ongoing, and she was really excited to be there. The other cookies were all dressed up in different outfits, and some of them had masks on as it had matched the theme of the party itself. Upon entering the mansion, Y/N couldn't catch sight of Sparkling Cookie who was somewhere among the crowd. So she decided to go to a table, which was reserved just for her. So she sat down and looked at the invitation she had received from Sparkling Cookie himself. Then Y/N decided to look hum a little song that came up when she heard DJ Cookie's voice over the crowd as she started a song. What surprised Y/N was that the song DJ Cookie was playing was F/S by F/MA. So the female cookie stood from her seat, and dance with the others. But little did she know was that, Sparkling Cookie was looking at her from afar on top the grand staircase of the mansion.

《Sparkling Cookie's Perspective》

I was welcoming each and every one of my guests as they entered the masquerade ball, paired up or coming along solo. So as I smiled and gave my greetings to each and every one of the cookies, I saw Y/N in her F/C F/O with a mask that matched her beauty and the necklace I had given her just a few months back, among the crowd that is attending this grand event. Then I see her walk towards the reserved table I had just put for her, and she was smiling. That is what I love about her... "Hey, you alright there Sparkling? You got that dreamy look on your face.." I jumped when I only saw DJ Cookie come up to me as she was fixing her headset on her. "Oh nothing DJ, I'm fine! I'm just really happy to see everyone here tonight!"

 I smiled as I hid my embarrassment, but DJ Cookie was the one who found out about mine and Y/N relationship since the two of us were dating. "haha, alright! But seriously, when are you going to let everyone know? Some of us are REALLY curious to know if you two are dating or not!" She laughs as she winked at me... I was about to say something to her, but she ran off to who knows where to go and do her thing. I just chuckled as I watched the crowd laugh, having a conversation, or just having fun at the ball. But for now, I should meet up with Y/N.

《Y/N's Perspective》

As I walked towards the dance floor, I couldn't but help but feel a pair of eyes on me, so when I scanned the area, I saw Sparkling Cookie stare at me with his signature smile, and wow... he really looks handsome in his masquerade costume. I immediately realized what I was thinking and I shook my head as I laughed a little at the cute thought of Sparkling Cookie. When I looked about I saw everyone enjoying themselves as they were all having fun, and I decided to join in, but I actually only wanted to dance with Sparkling Cookie who's up on the grand staircase greeting our friends.

 As time passed by slowly, Sparkling Cookie has decided to walk down the stairs, and he started to approach me through the crowd since I was waiting for him. As he did so DJ Cookie noticed it, "Well everyone let's celebrate tonight with a special occasion and this song was requested by the host himself... LETS PARTY!" DJ announces as she started to play F/M out of her speakers, causing everyone to erupt in cheers. I was as excited as they were as they were excited for the party to get more interesting. "Care for a dance Y/N?" I turned around to see Sparkling Cookie smiling at me as he had his hand extended towards me, "of course." I accepted it and we both started to dance to the music that was playing

《Time skip》

As the music plays on, somehow matching the pace of every cookie who were dancing in sync with one another, two certain cookies were having a blast since they were finally together on the dance floor. "You know Sparkling Cookie... you look quite handsome in that outfit of yours." Y/N had smiled as she leaned against him while they were both slow dancing, Sparkling Cookie only chuckled as he looked at her. "Well, it is the same to you Y/N... you look quite beautiful in your own outfit this evening." When the song ended, DJ Cookie decided to make an announcement for Sparkling Cookie. "Hey everyone, tonight has been very fun and very interesting! it's all thanks to Sparkling Cookie, the one who hosted this grand event and he has an announcement to make to share with all of you!"

 The crowd started to whisper to one another, some are curious while the other are keeping in their excitement. "Thank you DJ Cookie... and thank you everyone for coming to this grand event... as you can see me and Y/N has been together for awhile now and we're both happy to see you all here!" Sparkling Cookie announces as he stares lovingly at Y/N. She smiled at him and she decided to say the rest of the announcement, "As Sparkling Cookie says that we have been together for quite some time now, I believe it's time to tell you guys that we've been dating for a few months!" Everyone in the room had suddenly cheered and a few were now at the couple, asking them questions. from the other side of the crowd, some of the cookies were doing a victory dance as the other was pouting "See? I told you they were dating... now pay up C/N!!"

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