Almond Cookie x Reader

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Requested by KayTheSimp

Fr/N means friend's name, and F/N means familiar's name

It was just a normal day in the magic city, everything was in order, the cookies were doing their own businesses, and the city was safe. Somewhere on the busy street was a cookie walking among the crowd doing errands for themselves as they needed to gather ingredients for spells they were working on. That cookie was none other than Y/N, who was doing magical ingredient spell errands or just regular, normal ingredients to use for their spell they were working on. From the other side of the street, and of a crew working on an investigation was another cookie who was looking at a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee at the same time, multitasking between both his work and the crime he was in front of.

The M.E.H was still working on the case, interrogating the criminals and getting evidence to arrest said criminals, and the detective looked around the city streets to take notice of a cookie with a few bags of strange objects, heading straight to an apartment complex, suspicion came over him and he gave a nod to his agents as he silently went after the cookie who had already entered the apartment complex, to which he knew that if he were to cause a scene he knew the consequences will enough around wizards. So he arrived to the building and saw the same cookie talking to someone, so he watched quietly.

"Pfff.. Come on, you know that these groceries my familiar has isn't for the spells y'know. I gotta make food and work on the spells later. Besides I have to make sure the spells are correct and I would have to go teach some students at the institute about it." as the cookie spoke to their friend, the other laughed as the jokingly punched their shoulder. "Yeah right Y/N. You'd never go to the institute." "You caught me, but I am being serious. I was asked by professor latte cookie to help her out with some students." "Ohhhh... so thats why you've been going on errands, and expeditions lately." "Yep." Y/N nods with a laugh and smile as they spoke to their friend and as they continued to talk, the detective approached them. "Pardon me for intruding on your conversation, but I took notice of something strange coming from this cookie here." Almond cookie spoke as he looked to Y/N and their friend as they looked to the other with confusion.

"Oh- You mean F/N? Don't worry about them, they're usually with me all the time when I need them to help me with stuff." As Y/N spoke to the detective, Almond Cookie glanced to a familiar who was floating with a few bags of groceries and it just smiled at him as it turned its attention back to the elevator. "Oh. Well, I apologize for taking your time. That is all I need to know." As Almond Cookie gave a nod and turned around to leave, Y/N's friend thought of something and they tugged onto the trench coat's sleeve from Almond Cookie. "Wait sir.. You just came a long way from Almond street to Sugar Coat Alley right? It's a bit far from your department.. You could use a break!" as Fr/N spoke to the detective, Almond Cookie turned his head slightly to look at the cookie.

《Time Skip》

A few hours had passed as the three cookies had arrived to an apartment which was a home to both the cookies the detective had followed behind as he didn't have much of a choice but to take a break with them. He knew full well that he'd have to get back to work soon as there may be a case he has to go and solve. "Tell me exactly why you wanted Almond Cookie, MEH's very own detective stay over Fr/N?" "Dude, he legit needs a break so why not?" the two cookies spoke to each other as Y/N's familiar flew around the detective, as if it was questioning him. For the detective, he looked around the apartment to only see many magic spell books in each shelf categorized from simple to advanced and he took noticed of one that caught his attention. 'Parfaedia Magic Institute? so they went to that school to learn and become a wizard.' After analyzing each and every book by glance, he turned to face the two cookies who were still talking to each other, except for the familiar which was next to him.

"You're wondering why theres Parfaedia stuff? My master Y/N used to go there but now they have free reign to go anywhere! Since they are a teacher after all, but they teach the ingredient gathering part so today was their day off." the familiar spoke as Almond Cookie looked at them. "Then why? What is there to know if a spell they're about to do goes wrong? I'd have to call reinforcement if it happens." "Sir relax, Y/N knows what they're doing. Plus they're capable of removing any disaster with a simple swing from their staff!" The familiar chirps happily as they flew around the detective. 

《Almond Cookie's P.O.V.》

Hm, I wasn't expecting to know that Y/N was once a student of Parfaedia Magic Institute. I better keep an eye on them. Who knows what will happen to this apartment complex, there could be an incident from a misused spell or maybe there could be trouble. I am a detective and it's my job to keep the city safe from those who do wrong with the magic or any other crimes any cookie can and will commit. But I gotta say, nothing seemed suspicious around here.. except for that familiar Y/N has.. That one could be trouble.


After a small tour of the apartment, Almond Cookie seemed to have gotten familiar with it after the familiar explained almost every single question he had regarding the other cookie. He knew that they were a teacher from the institute but he still doesn't know exactly why they became a professor there, so he kept some questions to himself as he knew that the familiar didn't know much of their master enough. 'They could still be hiding secrets.. Not even that familiar even knows what they have hidden away.' As he was thinking he didn't take notice of the other cookie who was Y/N's friend come up to him and they had to wave their hand over his face to get his attention. "Hellooo Mr. Detective, ya there? You've been starin' off to space for about.. 4 minutes already. Seems like your buddies need ya again." That caught his attention as he heard the signal from his walkie-talkie and he looked at Fr/N. "Thanks kid. But duty calls and I ain't got no time for breaks. But thanks for the short one."

As he thanked the three cookies, leaving soon afterwards to go back to work on his investigations. Almond Cookie glanced to Y/N who was reading a spell book of ingredients and he shook his head, knowing that they have to make assignments for the classes they have to teach their students at the institute. He knew he had taken an interest to the cookie he was just going to interrogate due to the bags of strange ingredients. But knowing that they were only using it for a class made him at ease, but he can't help but think twice with other scenarios that could lead to disasters.

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