Part 1 - Chapter 1

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The streets of Port Royal were buzzing with liveliness as the citizens mingled and gossiped, sharing anything and everything that pertained to the ceremony. It was not every day that a new commodore would be appointed and the excitement over such an event was tangible. There was one figure however that ignored all going on around her. Caroline Palmer, though she had been raised under a respectable name and in a respectable household, held no interest in such a matter. Due to the fact of her father being a part of the Royal Navy, it was expected of her to show up at any events that were open to them and their families, despite the fact that her father wasn't even in the area at the moment. No doubt he would find out if she did not make an appearance though, and making her father angry was on the bottom of her list.

It was clear that she only had an hour before she needed to be at Fort Charles, but for now her destination was the port. Watching the people coming at going was always a favorite passed time of hers. The variety of people always kept things interesting. There were several traders she had met over the years that always shared their recent stories with her if she happened to be in the area. Their exciting tales of fighting against the weather at sea or possible run-ins with pirates were enough to keep her on her toes. It was the closest she could get to having her own adventure at sea.

Caroline gathered her pale blue gown into her hands as she made her way towards the docks. No doubt she was quite the sight, walking by herself in such a fine dress, but she hardly cared. No one paid much mind to her strange behaviors in this area anymore. Whether she was dressed in casual attire or formalwear, she knew she would always be greeted happily by the harbormaster.

"Hello, sir!" she called over with a grin she spied the man she was looking for near his post, speaking with a young boy who seemed to be helping him that day. "I hope your morning has been well."

"Miss Palmer, it has been fine. I must say, I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't you be heading towards the fort?"

Caroline laughed as she shook her head, causing her dark tresses to briefly fall into her eyes. "I'm in no rush to get there. You know I'd rather be here than at some dull ceremony. Besides, what would be my entertainment for the day if I didn't get some good stories from around here?"

The quartermaster shook his head before looked back at her. "You'd have better luck there. I've heard nothing much recently. Things seem to be quiet at the moment..." He trailed off as a sight out at sea caught his eye. "Then again..."

Caroline gave him a curious look before drawing her eyes to where his were looking and saw quite a sight. A man stood atop the mast of a boat, or what was left of one. "What in the world?" She questioned as she took a few steps towards where most of the boats were docked.

"It seems I have business to take care of." He turned back to Caroline and tipped his hat. "Perhaps there will be a story for next time, Miss Palmer, but you really should get going."

"I suppose you're right, though you really should stop acting like my father. One is certainly enough." She gave him another friendly smile as he turned away from her and waited until he was out of earshot. "I certainly have time to stay a few more minutes however. Why just hear about a story when I can watch it happening?"

She took a few casual steps back towards land before turning around to find a spot to watch the scene unfold. It didn't seem like she would get much of a story though. She couldn't hear a word that was being said. She did find it amusing that this poor man still had to pay for a boat that wasn't even above the water anymore.

Giving up on finding out anything interesting, Caroline was about to leave when she spotted the man walking down the dock, along with grabbing the bag of coins the harbormaster used. She couldn't believe this man. She wasn't naïve, she knew very well that people could be thieves, but to steal so openly and effortlessly in the middle of the day?

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