Part 1 - Chapter 12

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A stream of sunlight lit up the area, unfitting for the gallows it shined on. Fort Charles was set for the execution of Jack Sparrow and the people of Port Royal were gathered round, ready to watch the hanging. The beautiful day did nothing to ease the nauseous feeling that had a grip on Caroline. The drumming that filled her ears didn't help either, instead making it feel almost as if she were lined up to go next.

Everything felt too much. Despite growing up in fine dresses, she was suffocating as she stood in her pale pink gown, acting as if nothing was wrong. It was as if she were dressing up to watch the death of her freedom and the man who had given it to her. It was hard to believe that merely two weeks prior, if she had been standing in this same spot, she would have thought nothing of it. Any pirate who had been sentenced to death was paying for their crimes they committed. Yet, Jack didn't deserve that. This was his payment for saving Elizabeth. Twice. And for saving her. She would give anything to save him, but there was little she could do. Her father had made sure of that.

Standing tall beside her was Samuel Palmer. While he would have gone back to his work immediately on any other day, he was determined to see this through. Jack Sparrow was the reason for all of his problems. And he would cause future problems if he wasn't taken care of immediately. It was a speech Caroline had heard numerous times, beginning the second he saw her return to the Dauntless with him, Will, and Elizabeth.

In order to see this goal through, Caroline had spent nearly every second of her day trapped in the house or under watchful eyes. In the days following their return, unless escorted, she was not to leave the house. And talking to anyone was strictly out of the question. If an escape attempt was to be made, he had made sure she would not be a part of it.

Several spots down from them, Caroline spotted Elizabeth standing beside her father and Norrington in a similar spot to them. Partially hidden from the sun and a few steps up from the stairs, they had a clear view of the execution stand over the crowd in front of them.

Eyes glued forward, Caroline couldn't move her eyes off of Jack as he stood before them, hands bound with a noose hanging in wait.

As everyone waited, an official stood, addressing the crowd as he read, "Jack Sparrow, be it known that you have been charged, tried and convicted."

Despite his imminent death, Caroline spotted Jack mumbling to himself, most likely correcting something. Unable to help herself, a bittersweet smile spread across her lips.

"For your willful commission of crimes against the crown...Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature. The most aggrieves of which to be cited herewith: Piracy. Smuggling. Impersonating a person of the Spanish Royal Navy. Impersonating a cleric of

the Church of England. Sailing under false colors. Arson. Kidnapping. Looting. Poaching. Pilfering. Depravity. Degradation. And general lawlessness."

She couldn't help but wonder what stories he had to go along with the crimes. No doubt they were outlandish. Thinking back to the stories she had been told, she knew a few exaggerations would be within them. Except, she wouldn't have a chance to hear them. The thought pained her, tightening her chest as she clenched her fists. It wasn't supposed to end this way. Determined to keep it together, she closed her eyes tightly, willing them to remain dry.

"And for these crimes, you have been sentenced on this day to be hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul."

The noose was placed around his neck and Caroline hoped for a miracle. If there was even the slightest chance of helping, she had to take it. With her eyes sweeping for the sight of anything that might help, she spotted it. Sitting above everything else was a parrot. A familiar parrot that made her heart swell. In a flash, she moved her head, looking for any familiar figures. Though she didn't see any pirates, she spotted a peculiar looking hat making a beeline for the gallows.

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