Part 1 - Chapter 6

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A quiet peace was present in the early morning of Tortuga. Most people were still passed out aside from a few that were staggering around from their late night. It wasn't the quiet that Caroline noticed as she started to wake up though. Shifting slightly and burying her face, she tried to hide from the sun shining on her from the window.

Immediately after moving though, something else caught her attention. Eyes flying open, she slid back slightly in the bed, stuck from being tangled in the blanket. No more than a few breaths apart, Jack laid beside her, breathing softly while sprawled out on his stomach, left arm and leg draped over her.

Holding her breath, Caroline watched him for a moment, relaxing as she realized he was still asleep. She carefully untangled herself from the blanket and slid out from under Jack's arm. But that was as far as she got before he moved as well, opening his eyes in time to see her freeze.

"Mornin', Lena. Sleep well?" He asked casually, turning on his side while simultaneously sliding closer to her, pressed up against her side.

"Morning... and I did." She slowly sat up, ignoring the intimate position they were in, trying to find space in the bed as she ignored the blush dusting her cheeks. "And yourself?"

"Slept like a baby. Must have something to do with such lovely company," he teased, following her movements and sitting up, constantly closing the space between them.

Uncomfortable, she sprang out of bed and turned around, stalking towards the table as she tucked her hair behind her ear. The air was chilled compared to the warmth of the bed and the lack of warmth brought a shiver over her as she tried to straighten out her hair. "That is the only time you will have my company, so remember that."

Jack broke out laughing as the bed creaked, shifting as he stood up as well. "You are somethin' else. Ready to make a scene one minute, shy the next. I think you like it though," he purred as he stood behind her, brushing her hair aside as he rested one hand on her back. "Am I right?"

Another shiver ran down her spine, for a different reason than before. "No," she walked forward and spun around, keeping space between them. "So, don't assume such things. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to freshen up."

"Alright," he chuckled, causing her to scowl. Everything was a joke and that just made her mood shift for the worse.

"Don't you have something to do?" She snapped impatiently.

"Relax, darlin', no need to get feisty. Save it for next time." With a wink, he strapped on his effects and was out the door, leaving her both fuming and blushing at such a comment. Why did he have no decency?

Caroline slammed the door shut after him, stomping across the room. What was wrong with her? Honestly, she needed to just slap him like those other ladies had.

Those ladies... The thought brought about a frown as her thoughts drifted. Soon that sick feeling returned as well. Was what he said true? Did she like the attention? It's not like she actually put down any of his advances, not truly. In that way, she was encouraging it. But she certainly wouldn't give him attention like those ladies. Is that what he expected from her? Did he expect anything? Honestly, from what she knew, he was just doing it for entertainment and she was the one that would be paying in the end. If she was smart, she would stop responding to the attention.

Suddenly light headed from realization, she dropped into the chair, arms propped on her knees and head bent down. That was the problem. She did like it. Jack was different and she enjoyed the attention. No one at Port Royal ever saw her, yet he did. At home, she was the Rear-Admiral's daughter while also being the forgotten lady left to her own devices.

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