Part 1 - Chapter 8

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The Black Pearl was everything and nothing like she had expected. After some quick words from Jack, he had guaranteed that she be kept safe otherwise Barbossa wouldn't be given the name he needed. Caroline didn't care too much about the details of it, just so long as she didn't end up dead somewhere. After making a deal of some sort, they were each thrown into a boat and brought back to the Pearl.

Upon stepping onto the ship, Caroline noticed the seemingly unwelcoming feeling that was over it. Why Jack would want to captain such a ship was beyond her. Then again, perhaps it wouldn't seem so dreary when it wasn't crewed by a bunch of cursed pirates out for blood. Either way, she had been given little time to look at the ship beyond noticing the obvious black sails and a general layout of the deck before she was brought to the brig. And that is where she was left by herself when Jack was taken elsewhere with Barbossa.

The brig, while she didn't expect it to be top quality comfort, was leaving a lot to be desired. With the bottom filled with water, she was left with little choice but to stand or sit in water. So, standing she was, as she rested against the wall. Time seemed to be passing agonizingly slow as she waited to hear anything from above. At some point, she assumed Jack would either join her, or by some miracle, get her out of the cell. But until that point came, all she could do was think.

Tracing shapes along the wall, Caroline thought back to everything that has happened in the last hour. After nearly a week of traveling, things had turned upside down in a matter of minutes. She had expected to be back on the Interceptor, safe with Elizabeth and Will, possibly celebrating successfully rescuing her, and heading back to Port Royal. Instead, she was the one that needed rescuing. Except, that probably wasn't going to happen.

Thinking back on it, she remembered Jack's words while they were heading ashore. Those who fall behind are left behind. And she had chosen to do so. Granted, Elizabeth and Will weren't pirates. If Elizabeth knew she was there, she'd certainly try to help if she could. If nothing else, she was headstrong and wouldn't take no for an answer. But she had been butting heads with Will for days now...

She honestly didn't know what to think anymore. As if things hadn't been confusing enough. Barely any thought had crossed her mind when she chose to stay. Will was right. She was in too deep and she didn't even know what she was so attached to. Was it Jack or the life she got to live for the past week? Getting tangled up with Jack was a bad idea if she ever saw one. Whatever attention he gave was for... Entertainment, amusement, just natural flirting? She didn't know what exactly, but it wasn't for anything real in the sense that she knew.

Overwhelmed, Caroline slid to the ground with those thoughts, sitting down with a splash. Hands pressed to her head, she closed her eyes and breathed, trying to clear her mind. With soaking wet pants and the scent of damp wood filling the space, she remained there for as long as she could.

Stomping feet and stumbling steps alerted her to company when the cell door was opened. Being led by one of the crew, Jack was pushed into the cell with her and locked in.

"Apparently there's a leak," Jack commented to him just before he disappeared back up the stairs, leaving the two alone.

As their eyes met, Caroline's breath hitched, "Jack," she said breathlessly, unsure what to say.

Jack looked at her, questions clear on his face before smirking. "Hello, Lena." With a kick of the water, he walked towards her, looking down as he crossed his arms. "What brings you to the Pearl? Would have gladly given you a tour myself if that's what you wanted," he joked.

Caroline chuckled as she looked down briefly, hiding her face. "Can't say I was looking for a tour." She glanced back up slowly, unable to do anything with the guilt that was weighing on her now. "I'm sorry.

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