Part 1 - Chapter 2

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Paying no more attention to what was going on in the fort, she turned around and ran down the path she knew all too well. Hardly hearing anything else but a pounding in her head and the wind by her head, she had but one thought. Elizabeth had to be fine. She just had to... But what were the chances of anyone even being down there to help? She could have already drowned to death by the time someone could reach her.

Her thoughts continued to race through her mind as she breathed heavily, pushing through the weariness she was already feeling from her running.


She quickly spotted her friend laying on the dock and coughing as three other people hovered around her. She quickly sank to her friend's side, ignoring the water and dirt she was surely sitting in.

"Lena?" Elizabeth peered at her friend for a moment, regaining her breath. A moment later she flung her arms around her, holding on loosely, glad to have a familiar presence.

"Lizzy, are you alright?" Elizabeth gives a slight nod as she coughs once more. It was then that the man beside them leaned forward and grabbed a medallion around Elizabeth's neck.

"Where did you get this?"

Caroline looked over and widened her eyes as she realized it was the thief from earlier. "You," she whispered though he ignored her.

The blade of a sword was suddenly by the man's neck as Caroline scooted back in fright, closer to Elizabeth.

"On your feet," Norrington said sharply, persuading the man to stand via sword point. It was in that moment that Caroline realized what the situation must have looked like to the Commodore, having a strange man looming over Elizabeth who had been stripped of her outer garments.

Caroline helped Elizabeth stand up as Governor Swann approached them.

"Elizabeth! Are you all right?" He asked as he quickly draped his jacket around her, covering her up now that she was only in her shift.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," she turned away from her father then to look at Norrington. "Commodore Norrington, do you intend to kill my rescuer?"

So many thoughts were racing through Caroline's thoughts as she tried to calm down her heart and figure out what she should do. She was already weary of this man beside her, yet he had saved Elizabeth. Surely, he couldn't be too bad. A thief, yes, but there were worse things out there. "It's true, Commodore. I was down here the whole time. He was helping her." While that wasn't completely true, she had to trust her gut. Something told her he wasn't so bad that he needed a sword pointed at him.

As Norrington took in her words, his eyes shifted back to Elizabeth's rescuer calculatingly. In response, Jack merely attempted to nod as best he could despite having a blade near his head. "I believe thanks are in order," Norrington spoke as he offered his hand to shake. The other man barely had a chance to return the shake before Norrington tightened his grip and yanked his arm toward him and pulled at his sleeve revealing the clear branded mark of a P on his arm. With no surprise at his findings, Norrington glanced up towards his face. "Had a brush-up with the East India Trading Company, did you... pirate?"

The next second, Caroline found herself holding her breath and tensed as all the pistols nearby were aided at the man. Though she had mixed feelings about everything, she felt this was going too far.

"Keep your guns on him, men." Norrington said before speaking to his second. "Gillette, fetch some irons." Then in the next moment, he pushes the pirates sleeve up more, revealing a tattoo he seemed to immediately recognize.

"Well, well... Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

Not missing a beat, Jack shot back, unperturbed by the pistols aimed at him, "Captain Jack Sparrow. If you please."

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