Part 3 - Chapter 13

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A thick mist lingered over the ocean, blocking sight of nearly everything before them as the morning sun struggled to shine through. And worse than the limited view was the eerie silence that fell over all the ships. Tension could be felt across the ship as the entire crew waited to see what happened. Everyone that had sailed on the Black Pearl was gathered there, Elizabeth off to one side, Barbossa in another area, and Jack and Lena on the other side. Everyone was ready to give and receive orders when the time came.

The wait wasn't long as the first sign of the enemy appeared through the fog. Slowly, the outline of a lone ship appeared in the distance

"The enemy's here! Let's take her!" she heard Marty shout from his spot on the riggings, followed by the shouts of other crew members, ready to take on the ship.

Until the next ship appeared, followed by another, and another. Beckett had arrived but he hadn't come alone.

With the realization that an entire fleet was coming towards them, the excitement of the crew died away, replaced by dread.

And they had no one to blame for their predicament but the man standing in the middle of the crew. As Lena and Jack watched things unfold, several eyes turned on Jack, glares and judgment clear in them.

"Parlay?" Jack asked weakly as Lena shifted closer to him, close enough to touch as they prepared for what was to come.


The length of the sandbank in the middle of the sea was the only thing separating Lena, Jack, Elizabeth, and Barbossa from the enemy on the other side. As they closed the distance between them, leaving the rowboat behind them, Lena watched carefully as the figures on the other side watched them. Beckett, Davy Jones, Samuel Palmer, and surprisingly, Will stood before them to negotiate what would be the start of the war.

Stopping a few steps away from them, Lena looked through their lineup as she stood between Elizabeth and Jack. An unsettling silence fell between the groups, sizing each other up as they waited for all the pieces to fall into place.

Barbossa was the first to break the silence. "You be the cur that led these wolves to our door," he snarled at Will, his anger at his betrayal tangible.

Beckett was quick to cut in however, speaking calmly in a tone that Lena was beginning to find infuriating. "Don't blame Turner, he was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left."

Wincing at his words, Lena slowly opened her eyes, knowing exactly where they would be looking. With her lips pressed together, she glanced at Jack. It was true, but having it put out in the open surely wouldn't help their negotiations. Knowing that Jack wasn't innocent of the accusations, she stood quietly, shifting back on her feet as she refrained from looking at Jack again.

As all eyes landed on him, Jack raised his hands in defense. "My hands are clean in this... figuratively," he finished with a quick glance at his dirtied fingers.

Lena's lack of reaction seemed to be noticed as Elizabeth's eyes flickered over her before they narrowed. "You knew," Elizabeth accused as she let out a breath.

Looking back at her friend, she remained silent, unable to deny it.

Before a confrontation could build between the women, Will spoke up, shifting the attention to him. "My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it."

"Well spoke, listen to the tool," Jack added, always ready to let someone else take the fall.

Elizabeth spoke softly as she tried to reason with Will. "Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman, I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost."

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