Part 3 - Chapter 10

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Lena's Journal - August 2, 1729

Until we reach Shipwreck Cove, I can only guess what the date is to the best of my knowledge. Hopefully my counting is not too far off. Regardless, I am trying my best to not worry about it as I had the other day. I have no desire to go through such an emotional reaction again, though at least I know Jack is by my side.

I still find it hard to believe that he actually said those words to me. There are many things I know he loves, such as the Black Pearl, being at sea, and even rum. Even thinking about it now is setting my heart racing. I feel like a silly teenager again, thinking about all those conversations with Lizzy when we were younger. Except now I have something true to tell her and she isn't here to tell it too.

There is so much to think about though. I love Jack, and I know he meant those words as well. For how often he is willing to manipulate people's feelings for his own ends, that has never been the case between us. But what he hopes to accomplish in the end worries me. And I have no one to speak to about this. Lizzy has never understood my relationship with Jack, not truly. On top of that, she has absolutely no trust in him. To try to explain his plan, even vaguely, would have her questioning my sanity.

Perhaps I should be questioning my own sanity. Either way, I meant what I told him. I have every intention of standing by his side wherever it may take us. I can only hope it doesn't go against everything I stand for in the end.

"Trusting me to the end regardless of the plan. That is exactly why I love you."

Lena was certain that those words were going to cause her to fall overboard. Despite her best efforts to stay focused and actually help on deck as they made their way to Shipwreck Cove, she was utterly useless. All she kept thinking about were those words he had said to her. There had been no hesitation from him and admittedly, there had been no hesitation from her when she had caused them to delay their exit from the cabin. Granted, it was a delay neither of them were ever against.

"If yer gonna be up here with that disgustin' face, least ye could do is make yerself useful while doin' so," Barbossa groaned as he walked up to Lena, a roll in his eyes as he took the rope from her, retying the knot she had been more or less loosening for the last five minutes.

Jumping as the rope was removed from her hands, she looked over to her previous captain as he made quick work of the knot. Clearly she needed to pay closer attention to her surroundings. "I don't know what you mean. I have the same face as always," she shot back casually. Now, his statement about being useful was probably clear to every member of the crew by this point.

"I think not," Barbossa scoffed. "Whatever is goin' on between you and Jack, leave it in the cabin. Now is not the place to be stuck in yer head. The way to Shipwreck Cove is not a simple trip."

Lena straightened up as she tilted her head, curious. "So it's named rightfully so?"

"Aye, even those knowledgeable of its location may find maneuvering to its port treacherous."

She almost believed him. "Why would you pick a location so difficult to reach? Seems counterproductive to have this pirate haven if you risk losing ships before even reaching it."

"Depends who ye need to keep out. Not all pirates are welcome. And even the pirate lords are willing to fight amongst themselves. You've seen first hand Sao Feng's desire to have Jack dead."

Lena couldn't keep from rolling her eyes at that statement. She would never be able to keep up the list of people that held something against Jack. Of course that list would have some of the pirate lords on it. "Don't forget to include yourself," she added. "I do recall a time when you were set on killing him as well."

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