Part 1 - Chapter 9

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The sun was shining brightly over the Black Pearl as it sat in the ocean, just off the shore of a small island that could be seen a distance away. It was here that fate chose to drop Jack, Caroline and Elizabeth. Barbossa and his crew were gathered around the three, held captive as they stood in wait. Just off to the side, held by the crew, was Will, apparently there to see that Barbossa upheld his side of their deal. Caroline found plenty of room for debate. Being plunged into the ocean was not fitting her definition of being set free.

Elizabeth, being the first to go down, stood at the beginning of the plank, yet to be forced out there.

"Barbossa, you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!" Will shouted, struggling against the men holding him.

"Don't dare impugn me honor, boy!" Barbossa snarled. "I agreed she'd go free, but it was you who failed to specify when nor where!" He paused as he looked back at Elizabeth, considering. "Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, don't it lads?" His attention turned towards Elizabeth then as he spoke with sneer, "so I'll be having that dress back before you go."

Hesitation stalled Elizabeth before she removed her outer red dress, throwing it towards Barbossa. "It goes with your black heart."

Catching it, Barbossa held the dress. "Oh, it's still warm," he grinned as he tossed it towards his crew.

Caroline could only watch in disgust at such an act. Cursed or not, Barbossa and his crew were revolting. There was nothing she could do as she watched it all unfold, cursing internally.

With focused steps, Elizabeth moved towards the end of the plank. She paused, looking back as if to say something, but it was cut short as the pirate nearby had enough waiting. Moving quickly, he stomped down on the end of the plank as he shouted "too long!" And Elizabeth was sent tumbling over. It was only from the sound of the splash that Caroline knew she had hit the water.

Caroline cringed as she listened to the laughter surrounding them. Just as quickly as it started, it died. Pushed forward, she had to move to catch her footing as she stumbled onto the plank.

"Yer next, miss," grinned Barbossa as he watched her step forward.

Glancing over her shoulder, she glared at Barbossa. There was little point in remaining there though. "Happily," she said under her breath, shuffling forward a few more steps, looking down as she peered into the waters. She could already see Elizabeth swimming toward the island. Taking a deep breath, she cast one last glance back, catching Jack's eyes before she closed her eyes and jumped.

Caroline kicked the sand as she walked out of the water, catching her breath as she did. Elizabeth stood just ahead of her with Jack following, standing in a similar matter as they watched the Black Pearl setting off.

"That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship," Jack said as he stared out towards the ocean.

Thinking back to what she had been told before from Gibbs, she couldn't help but step towards him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. For a while, they all stood there, eyes trailed out, watching despondently as their only way out disappeared. Eventually they all started to drift apart, finding their own things to focus on. Glancing a few times towards Jack, his first focus had been the pistol he had come out of the water with, carefully checking it over.

After that, time ticked by slowly. Jack had stalked off a short distance down the shore, muttering as he went. Based on the few words she had caught, she thought it best to leave him be. Glancing towards her other company, she linked her arm with Elizabeth's, leaning against her some.

"While I'm glad I found you, I have to admit, I did not see this coming."

Elizabeth laughed as she glanced sideways at her. "I don't think anyone would have seen this coming. Though I'm glad you're here as unbelievable as that is that you came all this way."

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