Part 3 - Chapter 4

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Lena's Journal - July ?

Does time even move while in the Locker? I don't know if there is even a date to write down...

I am so tired of emotions. Every time I get close to feeling happy again, something else happens to ruin it. It's like I haven't had a break in months, back before we were even running from Davy Jones.

And we finally found Jack and I have him back but other things are weighing me down. I'm ecstatic to have him back, but I don't think it will truly sink in until I'm able to properly talk to him. I need to know what really happened that day, if he is willing to tell me.

I just can't believe that Elizabeth would do something like that. To condemn him to death and to put me through all of that. I don't even know where to begin with that. Eventually I will have to speak to her, but I don't know if I will ever want to.

Once we are at sea, I will hopefully have a chance to speak with Jack properly. Right now, he is too busy fighting with Barbossa for the title of Captain. I imagine it will get worse before anything is settled between them. And then I can finally settle what is on my mind.

A calm sea surrounded the Black Pearl as the wind pushed it along the water. It was a strange fact considering that there hadn't been a single breeze on the island where they had found Jack, so Lena was amazed that they could move at all.

Nonetheless, without hindrance, the Pearl was moving, though the occasional look she caught from Jack or Barbossa while they were preparing to set off had told her that they didn't have much clue as to a direction. And after that, the tension built. Any command Barbossa gave, Jack repeated a second later. Seeing where it was going, Lena chose to give Jack and herself space as she assisted the crew with the lines, securing them as needed and adjusting the canvases.

There was one problem that wasn't too difficult to avoid either, and that was Elizabeth. She had made herself scarce after they had set sail, and Lena didn't blame her. No doubt she wasn't the only one feeling bitter after finding out the truth, regardless of why it had been done. While it might have been true that it had saved their lives, Lena would be hard pressed to see it that way.

It felt like Elizabeth had betrayed her in the worst possible way. All their years of trust were shattered. She didn't know how to move past that. Elizabeth had been the one she relied on and trusted without doubt in Port Royal. It's what made her consider her family. She would rarely go more than a few days without seeing her. They had been inseparable in a way. So to have fallen so far, it left a hollow feeling inside.

Just as she had with Jack, she had been willing to risk it all to save Elizabeth as well. It had only been a year before she had proven that. None of that had changed. Even when angry with her, she would never turn her back on Elizabeth, even if she wished she could. It would have made things less complicated.

Until she had the heart to confront her, when everything wasn't so raw, she would just need to continue giving her space.

Not everything was bad being back on the ship. She couldn't deny that it felt like home, being back aboard the Pearl. Being able to help out on a ship she was familiar with. The feeling was a contrast to what she had felt on Sao Feng's ship. It was foreign, unfamiliar, and had been a tense trip. Even now, Tai Huang and his men still on board, she felt more at ease even with the distrust for them lingering. It was more than just being on the Black Pearl. It was the presence of a certain captain that made things easier.

At the thought of him, Lena couldn't help but slide her eyes in his direction, smiling to herself at the sight. Across the ship, she could see him parading after Barbossa, getting in his face occasionally as they continued to argue over who was giving orders. Though it wasn't a sight she was used to, she loved it. She loved having him back. After months of denying herself the possibility, he was there in front of her, flesh and bone.

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