Part 3 - Chapter 14

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Wind howled as waves slammed against the ship, rain pelting down on everyone and everything. Added to the yells and stomps of crew members, the deck of the Flying Dutchman was chaotic. Lena hardly knew where to look as she peered over Jacks' shoulder, trying to see through the storm as rain blinded her.

Cautious as they stepped out, it was almost too good to be true that they weren't already surrounded. Jack pivoted to take in the view behind them, but came to an abrupt stop as his eyes landed on Jones.

"Lookie here, boys. Some lost birds." Lena flinched as she spun around, eyes wide as they landed on Davy Jones as he walked down the steps behind them. "Lost birds that never learned to fly." As his words drew attention, several crew members joined the scene, watching as their captain faced Jack.

"To my great regret," Jack admitted flippantly. Trying to put distance between them, Jack shifted on his feet, stepping towards the railing as his brown eyes glanced between Lena and Jones. "But, never too late to learn, eh?" Chest in hand, he swung it towards the rope by his side and in a flurry of movements, the chest was suddenly flying through the air, landing on the mast with Jack following.

Cursing under her breath, Lena shuffled back, gripping her sword as she locked eyes with Jack. Whatever half-formed plan he had, he was on his own. And that would leave her to fend off her own problems. Nothing seemed to be going to plan that day.

In an instant, Jack was airborne, landing on the masts with Davy Jones quick to follow. She didn't know what would be worse, up there in the rain, trying to both balance and battle over the chest, or to be in her current spot with multiple sets of eyes on her.

With little time to think, Lena dashed through the first opening she saw, barely evading a sword as she shifted and raised her sword, blocking the next swing that came her way. With at least three men closing in on her, it seemed the rest went on to focus on other tasks, be that preparing to board the Pearl or fight off others that were swinging across to the Dutchman.

As another sword swung down, a clawed hand swiped at her, pushing her back farther as she stumbled out of it's reach, wincing as the tell-tale sting started on her forearm. A glance down was all she had time for as she took the wound. At least it wouldn't hinder her much as the rain mixed away some of the blood seeping out.

Each step and swing was made that much harder as she struggled to grip her sword, feet sliding on the slick deck. The bang of cannon fire filled the air just moments before part of the railing off to her left shattered into pieces, sending Lena colliding with the ground. Despite what would surely be a bruise on her hip, it seemed luck was on her side as she had one less opponent to worry about. Picking herself up, her back was pressed against the railing, the Pearl behind her.

Cannon fire, splintering wood, and the clang of metal was almost overwhelming as she glanced around the Dutchman once more. While more crew members from the Pearl were coming over, she was still vastly outnumbered. Her plans had to change. Jack was nowhere to be seen, most likely hidden still in the masts. If he truly went through with his plan to captain the Dutchman, she didn't think she would be there to see him take that step.

The storm had a mind of its own, raging its own battle against the ships as the swirling water continues pulling them towards the center. But that pull finally got the better of them as one strong pull sent them tipping into each other.

Her path appeared just as a crew member from the Black Pearl swung over, landing with a hard collision against one of the fish men. The second his rope left his hand, she launched herself onto the railing and grabbed the rope. With one firm push to her feet, she swung across the gap. The water was raging beneath her but she paid it little attention as she blocked out the idea of how that death would feel. There was no time for such thoughts.

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