Part 2 - Chapter 1

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The night was eerie as clouds covered the sky, making it darker than it should be. Very few souls were out on the deck of the Black Pearl, most sleeping below deck. The ship rocked back and forth as it sat out of sight, a Turkish prison not far away as an incoming storm thundered in the distance. There was little for the crew to do without their captain. It is why Caroline Palmer, who more commonly went by Lena, was resting against the railing of the ship, staring vacantly out towards the ocean with thoughts taking up most of her time, keeping her up. An ever-present worry had settled in her gut days ago with little relief. Jack Sparrow had left her and the crew with only a vague idea of his intentions, set on finding something, though she could only wonder what.

It was hard to believe sometimes that a year had passed since she initially ran off, turning pirate, as Jack liked to say. She truly had though. As a part of the crew, she was trusted, feeling as if she were a part of the strange family she considered it to be. Time had given her the knowledge and ability to help out on the ship, and she could stand on her own in a swordfight as well. Anamaria had been a huge help during her time adjusting to her knew life when Jack was unable to help. She could certainly say that Anamaria had become a true friend who she relied on. But Lena also had to admit that she longed for days back in Port Royal, missing her moments with Lizzy. It was what she had traded though. And she had to admit, Jack was right. The Black Pearl was freedom and she couldn't imagine going back.

Not everything had been picture perfect for her aboard the Pearl. Her relationship with Jack was tumultuous as best. He was difficult to read and flirty in nature, which had caused numerous disagreements early on. Needless to say, things hadn't worked out. Lena had held Jack to too many of her previous expectations, locked in a society she was no longer a part of. It wasn't until months later and several heart to hearts with Anamaria that she truly started to understand that she would likely never find something that met her expectations now that she was aboard a pirate ship.

Regardless of that knowledge, she couldn't let go of those feelings. She cared for Jack more than she was willing to admit. Jack on the other hand... She knew he cared in his own way, but she never could figure out to what extent. It's what lead to the peculiar relationship that they had now.

Even so, things had changed recently, and not just between her and Jack. Unsure what else to do, she had spoken to Gibbs, but even he didn't know what had Jack acting stranger than usual. Whatever the reason was, it's what brought them to this prison. Days had passed since he had gotten himself locked up, yet not a word or sign had been seen.

It was an agonizingly long waiting game with no end in sight. But it seemed the waiting had finally paid off. On the opposite side of the boat, she heard the call from one of the crew. They had spotted him. Rushing down towards the voice, she peered over the edge, easily spotting Jack as he sat in the water, seemingly using a coffin as a boat. With a flurry of movements, everyone was prepared to pull him up. And just as he was helped over the railing of the ship, Gibbs offered him a helping hand, only to receive a skeleton leg instead.

"Not quite according to plan," Gibbs commented as he looked at his captain.

"Complications arose, ensued, were overcome," Jack assured as he walked towards the helm, giving little attention to anything else.

Not letting it go, Gibbs followed after. "You got what you went in for, then?"

"Uh huh," Jack said as he waved around a piece of cloth.

Spotting the material, Lena glared as she stepped up to him. "You did all that for that?" she asked exasperated as she tried to grab it from him, unimpressed by his little mystery.

Seeing the looks shared by the crew, Gibbs spoke up, "Captain, I think the Crew – meaning me, as well – were expecting something a bit more... shiny. What with the Isla de Muerta going all pear-shapes, reclaimed by the sea and the treasure with it."

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