Part 1 - Chapter 3

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Grief and despair filled the streets of Port Royal. Caroline tried not to dwell on some of the sights around her, though it was difficult to ignore the splatters on the ground that was surely blood, or the shattered glass and broken wood from homes. After waiting out a night from hell, she had finally found the will to move and after changing into something less hindering, though surely more socially condemning, she left the house to help where she could.

Helping those she could, Caroline spent the morning searching for those who were missing, helping those with minor injuries, and cleaning up what she could. It wasn't much though. Every time she came by to help, she was ushered away by every soldier who came across her, though she wasn't sure if it was more due to her gender or her family name.

Giving up on her latest area, spotting another Navy officer making his way up the street, Caroline moved further into the town. She had just turned the corner when she collided with another person, stumbling as she nearly tumbled to the ground before hands latched onto her arms to steady her.

"Sorry," the man said before a brief pause, "Miss Palmer?"

Caroline snapped her head up at her name, pausing as she straightened out her blouse, and recognition flickered across her face. "Will? What are you doing running through the streets?"

He quickly creased his brows as he peered down at her. "Elizabeth is gone."

His words immediately caused her to pale, fearing the worst. "What? Are you sure?" she dreaded to ask, but she dearly wanted him to be lying.

"I wouldn't lie about this!" he snapped, "Something needs to be done but Norrington is wasting time."

"I'm sorry," she said, lost in thought. She had been with her just the night before. What if she had stayed later? Would she have been able to help or would she just be missing as well? Shaking off those thoughts, she looked back at him. "If there's anything I can do, please let me know. I can't believe I've been running around all morning without a clue."

Thinking over her words, Will seemed to think over her request before he nodded. "I have a plan but it's not exactly..." he trailed off, looking for the right word.

"Conventional? Or... are we breaking laws?" Caroline questioned, having a guess as to what sort of plan he had considering he wasn't going to be allowed to help in any of Norrington's plans. "Whatever it is, I'll help. I don't care. And you know I'm not the most conventional person around anyway," she finished as she gestured towards her shirt and breeches.

Nodding, Will let her in. "Jack Sparrow, he can help."

The entire trip to the jail cells was spend getting caught up on what exactly happened last night. Caroline could hardly believe that it was actually the Black Pearl that attacked the town. She had heard plenty of tales about it, especially from Elizabeth, but she never expected a pirate attack like that to happen. Especially with a town overrun with the Navy. It seems pirates care little about that however.

After a careful walk over while staying out of sight, Caroline and Will found their way into the cells, easily spotting the only occupied cell. Sprawled out on the ground, head resting on his arms as he peered up at the ceiling, Caroline found it hard to imagine him actually helping in that moment.

With a raised eyebrow, she looked down at him as she leaned against the cell. "Well, you seem to have made yourself at home here," she teased, though her words were ignored as Will jumped right to the point of coming down to the jail.

"You. Sparrow. You're familiar with that ship, The Black Pearl?" he questioned the pirate.

"I've heard of it," he mumbled from his spot on the ground, barely looking towards them.

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