Part 3 - Chapter 8

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Being walked through the HMS Endeavour was overwhelming as Lena was led across the ship, shackled and escorted by armed guards. Granted, she was sure all the precautions were because Jack walked right beside her, but his close proximity did nothing to calm her nerves. She knew in reality that they hadn't walked very far, but it felt like an endless parade passed countless East India Trade Company crewmen.

As they left the open area of the deck, they were escorted through what she could only assume was the front room that somehow connected to the captain's quarters. She had little time to dwell on the thought or take in much of what was in there before their journey halted at a set of double doors.

Finally with their wrists free again, they were ushered through the door with it shutting behind them, leaving the pair to look towards the figure who stood staring out the window, back to them. As Lena took in the man before them, she was quick to realize she had no idea who this person was, meaning that it must have been Jack who had a connection with him.

She watched as Jack rubbed his wrist lightly before grabbed Lena's hand and pulled her flush against his side the second the stranger started talking.

"It's curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates is enough to take down the Flying Dutchman." As the man spoke, Jack seemed to hardly pay attention as he began moving through the cabin, opening every little thing that could possibly hide something inside of it. If it weren't for the tight grip he kept on her hand, she would have actually believe that he cared little for what was going on around them.

"And so despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we, Jack?"

At his words, Jack paused, glancing towards the P that was branded on his wrist. Feeling his hesitation, Lena gripped his hand tightly, hoping to provide comfort. "Jack?" she whispered quietly, though it seemed enough to still draw attention to the pair.

"Miss Palmer, I presume. Apologies for not introducing myself. I'm Lord Cutler Beckett, and I do believe the Rear-Admiral will be here soon for you. So don't worry. You will have plenty of time to catch up with your father while... Jack and I catch up as well."

She was sure the ship was tipping over as she listened to his words, feeling like she was losing balance as dread filled her. Unconsciously, she gripped Jack even tighter as she placed her other hand on his arm. "It's... pleasure to meet you," she said meekly, barely giving him another glance as her mind spiraled with her thoughts.

For all she had heard about Beckett, she knew she should be worried about standing before him. But compared to her father, he seemed like a little threat. It wasn't until Jack pulled his arm away and slung it over her shoulder, casually dragging her to his side that she realized how difficult breathing seemed.

"By the way, it's not here, Jack," Beckett added offhandedly, clearly having noticed Jack's earlier search of the room.

"What? What isn't?" Jack asked with false cluelessness.

"The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good Captain."

"By my reckoning, that account has been settled," Jack countered, to which Lena had to agree. She didn't want to think about the possibility of Davy Jones still coming after Jack. The conversation was paused however as a knock fell on the door briefly before it was opened up.

All eyes turned to see the latest guest. As Lena's eyes fell onto the familiar figure that she hadn't seen in a year, she couldn't stop her heart from racing as she felt cornered.

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