Part 3 - Chapter 7

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Each wave that passed beneath the Pearl was a gentle sway beneath her feet as Lena watched the ocean pass before her. While it was normally a calming view, her spot looking over the railing did little to ease her slowly building anxiety. The occasional word that carried over the wind from the men gathered around the chart helped little as well.

Even with a desperate need to come up with a plan to find supplies, they were still arguing. Lena wanted nothing to do with it. They were finally back in the real world, Jack was alive and safely at her side, they would be able to move on with any plans, and instead everyone decided to just try to shoot each other instead.

The whole group was insufferable. It couldn't be ignored though. She had a feeling that regardless of what Jack wanted, he would end up at the Brethren Court. He was severally outnumbered on the ship in that regard. But when he did, she would make sure to be by his side. Too many things had happened in the past that she could do nothing about because she hadn't been at his side. Granted, she wasn't sure what could have been changed even if she had been present, but it was worth a try.

She couldn't trust anyone else to have Jack's back. Everyone had their own goal they were moving towards and there was no guarantee she would enjoy that goal. After all, she had already lost Jack once when Elizabeth had the chance to do as she pleased. And Will was never on the top of her list of people to trust... It was strange really that a pirate would have the most of her trust. But it was true. Jack had done more for her recently than anyone else and was true to his word. Or as true as could be when he tended to leave out vital pieces of information at times.

Her thoughts were broken as she heard Jack make his way over to her, clearly not pleased with whatever plan was formed while she was over there.

"We'll be stopping soon for supplies and water," Jack said as he joined her at the railing, leaning over to look at the ocean as well. "And while I'm on shore, I need you to keep on eye on me ship."

Lena looked at him skeptically. "You don't want me to help?"

"Not when the welp'll be watching the Pearl. I trust her in your hands far more than his."

Lena half heartedly laughed despite it clearly not being a joke. "I'm flattered you trust me with her. Care to let me know what else you are planning aside from gathering supplies? Perhaps long term?"

Jack turned enough to face her, a smirk on his face. "I'll be sure to let you know when I know, love."

"Just... try not to spring too many surprises on me, please?" she asked as she looked up at him, though she knew that request would be nearly impossible.

"I'll try my best," Jack grinned before he leaned down for a kiss that lasted not nearly long enough. "Now it's time to get ready to go ashore. And I'll try to remember that. No surprises," he laughed as he spun around and walked off to gather the crew that would be coming along.

She knew it was an important job, at least in Jack's eyes, but Lena had to admit that she was not thrilled with waiting. Very few had been left on the ship. Will, Elizabeth, herself, and a handful of the crew from Singapore were all that were left aboard. Beyond being bored from simply waiting, Lena couldn't ignore the awkward tension that was surrounding the ship any time she came within sight of Will or Elizabeth, which made things quite difficult when no one was willing to go below ship. Clearly trust was lacking at the moment.

With her back pressed against the railing, Lena stared up at the blue sky, watching as birds flew overhead periodically. It was the only sound aside from hushed whispers and lazy footsteps as the remaining crew meandered across the deck. As she tilted her head back down and swept her eyes over the deck, she spotted Will still where he last was; nowhere close to anything that could help with stealing the ship or messing something up. And that left her with still nothing to do.

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