Part 2 - Chapter 7

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The deck of the Black Pearl was filled with chatter and movement when the boat arrived, allowing the group to board the ship. As soon as Lena's feet hit the wood, she was walking across the deck, giving no one a glance as she made a line straight for the stern. Any crew member who was in her way quickly steps aside, avoiding the glare on her face, afraid to find out just how angry.

It seemed that at least one person was not willing to give her space, however. Hearing the footsteps following her, Lena glanced behind her, catching sight of Elizabeth, before she turned back towards the ocean.

"Lena, can we speak? Just for a moment?" Elizabeth asked quietly as to not be overheard.

Eyes closed, Lena let out a controlled breath before she turned to look at Elizabeth, arms crossed. "I don't know what there is to say."

"Nothing happened between Jack and I. I was trying to prove a point to him."

Lena looked at her in disbelief before she snapped at her, trying her best to not raise her voice. "And proving a point requires trying to kiss him?"

Elizabeth shook her head as she stepped forward, speaking her words slowly. "We didn't kiss, Lena. I apologize if it seemed that way but you're my friend. I would never do something to hurt you. You or Will."

"Then what did I see?" Lena asked with an edge to her voice as she tried to ignore the hurt feeling that was building. She didn't have time to sit and cry. They barely had time for this conversation.

"Jack's a good man," Elizabeth said as she placed her hand on Lena's arm, urging her to believe her words. "Yes, he had the chance to kiss me, yet he didn't. That's what you see in him, isn't it? I wanted to prove it as well, for your sake."

"Then why-" Lena never finished her thoughts as the waters beside them were disturbed. In a furious wave, the Flying Dutchman came crashing up from below the water's surface, right beside the Black Pearl.

Sharing a look, Lena and Elizabeth both raced across the deck to the rest of the crew. Stopping by Will, Elizabeth took her place by his side as Lena looked up towards the helm just as Jack started talking.

"Oi, fish face!" Holding up his jar of dirt, Jack taunted. "Lose something, aye?" So busy focusing on Davy Jones, Jack failed to notice his placement to the stairs and tumbled down them, bringing a pause to his words.

Staring in shock, Lena quickly moved towards him just as he stood back up, apparently fine despite the fall, acting like nothing happened "Got it! Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git. Look what I got." Holding up his jar of dirt, he began to taunt him again in a sing-song voice, waving the jar over his head. "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it?"

Lena glanced carefully at him, understanding just what he was playing at. It seemed Davy Jones on the other hand, wasn't interested in the game.

"Enough," Jones said, giving his crew the only signal needed before all the cannons were aimed on the Pearl.

"Hard to starboard," Jack muttered as the smile on his face vanished.

Catching the order, Elizabeth was quick to yell it out again.

All around them, everyone raced to their positions, preparing to run and fight if necessary while Gibbs quickly turned the wheel, turning the Pearl.

"Raise up the foreyard!" Will shouted as they quickly gained speed, putting distance between them and the Flying Dutchman, though not enough to stop some of the cannonballs from hitting.

With so much going on, Lena quickly stepped away from Jack, moving to help the crew prepare the ship and put more distance between them. She only got a few steps before Jack grabbed her hand, pulling her in the opposite direction as he moved towards the helm.

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