Interlude 2

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May 24, 1729

Visiting Tia Dalma was more than I ever anticipated. I'm still afraid to believe what she said is actually possible. But I've already seen so much of the impossible. Why can't this be true?

She knows a way for us to get Jack back. Just hearing those words, I've put more hope into this plan than anything else in my entire life. It has to work.

I've been scared to write down the words, to make them real, but I feel that I have to if we are truly doing this. Losing Jack... I never expected to feel so strongly about him in just over a year. But I feel so lost without him. Whatever it takes, I'll do it to get him back. I let him down last time, but I won't this time.

Lena sat numbly on the makeshift dock outside of Tia Dalma's hut with her feet in the water. Swinging them back and forth, a steady rhythm was kept as she disturbed the water's surface. She paid little mind to the water though, her thoughts elsewhere as she traced her thumb over the cover of her journal as it sat in her lap. There was so much she wanted to write in it, yet so much she was afraid to write. Because writing it, like saying it, made it real.

She wanted to be able to open her eyes and say it was all a bad dream. She wanted to wake up on the Black Pearl, roll over and find herself in Jack's cabin with him right beside her. Or even if he wasn't beside her, she would know that he was nearby, most likely looking at a chart or passed out from drinking due to enjoying the day too much.

But every time she opened her eyes, she was met with the same surroundings as before. But that was better than having her eyes closed. That was worse. She could still see everything clearly. The Pearl, wrapped tightly by the kraken, as it is dragged under. The last time she saw Jack, without even a word of what he planned on doing. Or worse. What Jack must have gone through as the ship was taken down. Was it quick? Was it slow and agonizing? Did the kraken kill him or did he drown?

All these different scenarios went through her head, before she started dreaming of herself going through them as well. Because deep down, she felt that she should have been with him. No one deserved to go through that alone, yet he did.

June 02, 1729

The plan is madness. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Jack back, but even I must admit how outlandish it all seems. Barbossa, brought back from the dead, as if he weren't our enemy. And he is to lead us to the ends of the earth? I am not alone in my doubts, but I can only pray that this doesn't lead to our actual end. My trust for him does not go far.

Before we can find Jack, we need a chart as well. Apparently, there is a map that leads to various lands and mythical treasures. We almost have the location of it locked down, though how we shall get to it without a ship is beyond me.

June 7, 1729

Somedays I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stand being around everyone, talking about the plan and how we will find Jack, as if he's simply lost. It's not that simple. And I'm terrified that everything will fall through. We will travel all this way and come back empty handed. I feel like I'm drowning some days and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't even speak to Lizzy about it. She seems to shut down any time I mention Jack, so I just don't know what to do anymore.

I know I shouldn't think too much on it, but it is always there in the back of my mind. She was the last one to speak to Jack. But why was it her and not me?

I always said I would be happy with anything I could get from Jack, but how true was that? I want so much more and I realized that too late. The worst thought is wondering just how one sided my feelings may be. Was I reading too much into his actions? I don't know if I will ever know, or if I would even want to know. There is enough pain right now without adding to it.

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