Part 1 - Chapter 4

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Few clouds were scattered across the sky as Caroline, Will, and Jack made their way across the sea. Each person had found their own way to pass the time as they settled into their day. Jack stood at the wheel, shifting his attention between the sea, his compass, and occasionally the other two. Will on the other hand was constantly moving about. She had spotted him go in and out of the lower deck multiple times. It was only after the first few times that she realized he was probably finding supplies and other items that may be of use to them. And it reminded Caroline of her earlier feelings of being useless.

Prior to this moment though, Caroline couldn't pull herself away from her spot at the bow. A steady breeze ruffled her hair as she listened to the ocean, waves breaking as the ship cut through them and swayed over the water. It was an amazing feeling, especially after she had truly adjusted to the constant rocking feeling. She had still been young the last time she had been out at sea, when her father had moved her to Port Royal with little warning.

Growing up around ships, she had a vague familiarity with the basics. After all, sailing was one of the few interests that she had been allowed to look into when younger, along with swordplay. That was a lifetime ago, back when she could actually say she had a family. Either way, she had learned some bits and pieces about controlling a ship. She could rattle off names of certain objects, tell you what they did or controlled, but that was about it. And knowing names wasn't exactly helpful. Hopefully she would be able to pick up a few things with a little instruction and then she would feel like she had a purpose on this trip.

Caroline finally found the will to move as she shifted from her previous position and stretched her stiff muscles, cringing as she immediately regretted raising her arms. She only had two options and considering that Will's trained as a blacksmith and not a sailor, she figured he wouldn't be the best one to go to for instruction. With sore shoulders and a hand attempting to rub one of her abused muscles, she slowly made her way towards Jack's position.

As she stepped closer to him, she let her hand fall back to her side, rolling her shoulders back instead to ease the ache. In the mid-day sun, it was easier to take in everything about him. From all the moments in passing or moments spent running, she hadn't taken much time to truly note all the details he seemed to have sown into her appearance, quite literally in some instances. With such a mismatched collection of beads in his hair and the well-worn jacket and every other article of clothing she could catch sight of, he seemed like he would have quite a story. At least, compared to the few pirates she had seen in her life between the previous night and public hangings.

Lost in thought, she had failed to notice her pause as she stared at him, that is, until she realized he was a lot closer and was staring back with a grin that might just plausibly send her jumping overboard.

"Well, Miss Palmer, finally decided grace us with your presence?"

Rolling her eyes to hide her embarrassment, she shot back. "Of course, Captain. I can't stay there forever. I'm not here just to look pretty."

"Well, it wouldn't be the worst use of you," he continued with a wolfish grin as he raked his eyes over her figure.

Following his eyes, she quickly crossed her arms over her chest. "Jack!"

"What happened to 'Captain'?" he mocked in a sultry tone before laughing at her. "You should be flattered. One shouldn't let a figure like that go to waste."

"I can't believe I even considered asking you anything," she huffed as she spun around, put off by such blatant comments about her own body. Perhaps she should have just slapped him instead. It hadn't even crossed her mind at first, so put off by it all.

"Sorry, sorry. Lena, dear," he started as he grabbed her arm lightly, turning her around again though not sounding sorry at all. "My apologizes. I'm all yours. What did you come to ask?"

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