Part 3 - Chapter 11

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For a room full of pirates, Lena had to admit it seemed almost civilized. A large table sat in the middle of the room as a wide array of pirates sat surrounding it. They seemed to own their place at the table; she could only assume they were the other pirate lords. Not to mention the countless crew members that stood behind them, filling the room with loud conversations and endless energy. As she followed Jack and Barbossa into the room, she did her best to take it all in as she tried to figure out how risky it was to simply be standing in the room.

As Barbossa strode towards the table, Lena kept an eye on Jack as he lingered by the globe that currently housed eight of the pirate lords' swords. She could already see Jack's reluctance to take part in the meeting, unwilling to part with anything even temporarily.

Glancing between Jack and the rest of the room, Lena rested her hand on his arm and gently squeezed it as she quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. Leaving him to his own thoughts, she stood quietly beside him, watching as Barbossa called the court to order.

With a cannonball in hand, he banged it on the table, drawing everyone's attention. "As he who issued summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns."

As all the captains began pulling out items, Lena watched as Ragetti walked around, collecting all of them in a bowl. As he progressed around the table, it seemed more like a collection of junk than actual pieces of eight. And it seemed Pintel agreed as she overheard him speaking with Gibbs about it.

As Ragetti reached Barbosa once more, Barbossa held out his hand. "Master Ragetti, if you will."

"I kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me," Ragetti replied

"Aye," Barbossa shot back, "ya have, but now I need it back." He finished with a smack to the back of Ragetti's head, collecting his wooden eye as it fell into the bowl, claiming it as his piece of eight.

"Sparrow!" Villanueva shouted as only one more pirate lord present had a piece of eight to give.

Jack snapped his head towards the sound of his name, attention finally on him, as he thoughtfully touched the coin hanging from his bandana. "Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us," Jack stated as he walked towards the table with Lena just a step behind him.

He was already so reluctant to join the court, she could only imagine what would happen as things progressed. Somewhere in that head of his he had a plan, but she still wasn't sure how any of it would work out for them.

Before anyone could say more, Elizabeth barged in with Sao Feng's men behind her. " Sao Feng is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman." As she finished, she took her sword and stabbed it into the globe, making her place known at the table.

"And made you captain?" Jack said with disbelief, "They're just giving the bloody title away now." As he finished his words, Lena couldn't help but shove her elbow into his side and glare at the comment.

"Listen!" Holding everyone's attention, Elizabeth spoke urgently. "Our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett. They're on their way here."

With the news suddenly dropped on them, Lena glanced at Jack sharply, knowing that he was somehow behind this. She certainly couldn't forget that he had made some sort of deal with Beckett. She only hoped that his plan truly worked out in their favor.

"Who is this betrayer?" Jocard demanded as he looked about.

"Not likely anyone among us," Barbossa assured him.

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