Part 1 - Chapter 10

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The blinding light was almost unbearable as Caroline slowly awoke. Groaning as she turned her face away, she clung tighter as she tried to hold on to sleep. Any attempt ended when she was pushed up suddenly. Blinking in confusion, she glanced around coming face to face with Jack. Before a word was said or she could even process why she was looking at Jack, Jack looked over simultaneously as she spotted the same sight over his shoulder.

Filling the air was a giant plume of smoke, drifting up high above the tree line as a mass of flames could be seen underneath burning through the trees. As she looked back at Jack, she could see the panic as he realized what was happening. Jumping to his feet, Caroline gracelessly tumbled to the ground as he sprinted towards the fire.

Groaning from the rude awakening, Caroline carefully climbed to her feet, pressing a hand to her temple as her head throbbed from the motion. Settling on a slower pace, she reached the fire just as Elizabeth threw another barrel onto it, resulting in an explosion. Cringing from the noise, she dropped back down to sit, head pressed to her hands as she blocked out what she could.

How was it that Jack managed to run around unhindered after drinking even more than her while she was in crippling pain?

"No! Not good! Stop! Not good!" He shouted as he ran up to Elizabeth. "What are you doing? You've burned all the food, the shade, the rum!"

Turning swiftly on him with a glare, Elizabeth shot back. "Yes, the rum is gone." And as if to prove her point, another barrel exploded from within the fire.

"Why's the rum gone?" Jack cried.

"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two," she pointed towards the sky blocked out by the smoke. "That signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me and Caroline. Do you really think that there's even the slightest chance that they won't see it?"

Not caring about the rest of her words, Jack repeated, "but why's the rum gone?"

"Just wait, Captain Sparrow. You give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open and you will see white sails on that horizon!" Done with her statement, Elizabeth walked back towards the ocean and sat down, waiting.

Why they needed to keep yelling was beyond her. Caroline growled under her breath as she turned to face them, just in time to see Jack pull out his pistol, seemingly thinking about shooting Elizabeth. Ending that thought, he put it away and walked off, stomping down the beach.

Unwilling to speak to either of them, Caroline went back to her original spot and sat down, head bowed as she tried to block out the smell of burning rum and trees.

It was just as Elizabeth had expected. Not much time had passed before they saw it. Off shore, a navy ship appeared and before they knew it, they were aboard the HMS Dauntless. Caroline hadn't imagined that she would set foot on that ship again, yet here she was. Navy officers moved about quickly as they prepared to set sail.

Elizabeth had been the first to climb aboard, followed by Caroline, and last was Jack who had the pleasure of being escorted by officers the second his feet touched down. Though it was pleasant to be back on a ship as opposed to marooned on an island, it would have been better if she weren't still feeling like death. And the ship was loud. Far louder than the island due to all the voices of the crew, creating a never-ending noise to add to her aching head.

"Elizabeth! Thank goodness you're alright," Governor Swann said the second she was over the railing and back on deck. Pulling her towards him, he looked over her for injuries.

"Yes, it is a relief that you are alright," Norrington said as he stepped up, "both of you," he added once Caroline was beside them. "Now that you are safe, we can leave for Port Royal."

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