Part 2 - Chapter 8

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Trying to push all her feelings aside, she stopped by Elizabeth just as everyone else slowly stopped what they were doing. A silence settled over the Black Pearl as the first signs of the kraken were seen above deck. Reaching up over the railings, several tentacles could be seen, large enough to easily crush any person caught in their way.

The sight of it was enough to draw Lena's attention as her heart dropped into her stomach. Fear of what was to come, she pulled out her sword, preparing to strike if need be. Not a person in sight wasn't standing ready, waiting for some unknown signal.

Seconds ticked by as they waited.

"Will?" Elizabeth called, glancing towards the lower decks.

From underneath, Lena could faintly hear Will's commands, telling the crew, "steady!"

Lena realized that they were waiting for Will's signal, most likely getting ready to fire on the kraken all at once. While it was a good idea, she had to wonder what the chances of it working would be.

Back and forth, she could hear an exchange below deck between Will and the crew, along with Elizabeth shouting for him from beside her. And finally, she heard the order.


At once, all the cannons fired, launching the cannonballs into the kraken, sending it slowly retreating back into the water. As the sight finally cleared, the entire crew made their way to the side of the ship, looking over to see that it had truly worked. Cheers echoed around them as the crew celebrated their victory, even if it would only be a brief one.

Beside her, Elizabeth and Will were also looking out in relief, even if didn't last long. "It'll be back. We have to get off this ship," Will said as he pulled Elizabeth away from the railing.

Elizabeth looked around deck then as she noticed the broken wood scattered across the ground. Any boats that had been previously in one piece were now useless. "There's no boats."

Looking around, Lena couldn't help but think back to Jack. She only hoped that he had managed to get off the ship without incident. Perhaps he had just managed to finish lowering the boat and now he could get away while the kraken was recovering. She didn't know for sure, but she had to hope for the best. And hopefully, they would all manage to make it out alive and she could find Jack on the island.

Will wasn't ready to give up as he started putting together a new plan since running wasn't an option. "Pull the grates; get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold." He turned to Elizabeth then as he handed her a rifle. "Whatever you do, don't miss."

"As soon as you're clear," Elizabeth promised as she took the rifle.

Lena shared a look with Elizabeth as she gripped her sword, knowing this was their only chance. "I'll help make sure you have that clear shot."

The crew moved frantically as they gathered barrels below deck, opening the hold from above and preparing the ropes. While they all moved about, Lena stood with Elizabeth, keeping watch for signs of the kraken's return. It was silent though as nothing stirred below the surface. The kraken gave no sign until it was too late.

Splintered wood filled the air as it burst through the sides of the ship, shaking the ship as he unleashed a relentless attach against any crew within reach. Unable to do anything but listen, Lena prepared for the inevitable attack about to strike the upper decks.

Screams were everywhere as the crew tried desperately to escape the kraken, avoiding its tentacles when possible. Many weren't lucky though, being dragged off the ship and thrown into the water or across the ship.

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