Part 2 - Chapter 5

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The night had gone by quickly once they had left Tortuga. With a course set, things seemed to be constantly moving. After only a few short hours of rest, it was back on deck, ready to help when needed and otherwise just relaxing. Jack's focus was on keeping course, tracking possible locations that they may be heading towards on his maps. With his attention taken, that gave Lena the chance to spend time with Elizabeth.

As the two ladies sat on deck, resting against a few crates that hadn't made it to the lower decks, they enjoyed the peace of each other's company. It had been a year and while many things were different, plenty still felt the same. Seeing each of them dressed in breeches and shirts rather than their dresses was the most evident sign that things were different though.

"You seem to be doing well, Lena."

With a small smile, Lena nodded. "Yes, though things aren't exactly perfect at the moment." She sighed as she glanced at her Elizabeth, uncomfortable knowing she had to be careful with what she said. "I wish we could have met again under better circumstances."

"True, but once we find Will, everything will be alright. I just can't believe he ended up on Davy Jones' ship. I suppose I always imagined he wasn't real, just a tale told." She paused as she looked at Lena, who had paled slightly. "You said you met him?"

Fidgeting slightly, Lena pulled one leg up, wrapping her hands around her knee as the other rested against the crate still. "Yes, briefly. He boarded the ship, threatened the crew. I'm surprised he didn't kill us all. It was during that time that Will was caught by him. I don't know exactly what happened that led to it, but I wish we could have done something different."

Elizabeth nodded, a far off look on her face as she got lost in thought. "This wasn't how any of this was supposed to go. Did you know we were arrested on our wedding day? We never even got to say our vows."

Her heart broke for her as she listened, unable to imagine how that would feel. "I'm sorry, Lizzy. None of this should have happened. Was this because of what happened last year?"

"For aiding in the escape of a pirate." She turned all her attention on Lena, the look on her face saying it was nothing good, as she continued, "There is a warrant for your arrest as well... Your father has convicted you of piracy."

Fists clenched, she looked down at the deck, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm not surprised. I mean, it's true, isn't it? He made it clear the last I saw him that he would not allow me walk into this kind of life."

Elizabeth leaned over, resting a hand on her arm, drawing her attention again. "There's more. I'm positive he is working with Cutler Beckett. He never said as much, but from how he spoke about Rear-Admiral Palmer, they are surely on friendly terms."

Lena tilted her head, unfamiliar with the name. "Who is Beckett? I don't recall ever meeting or hearing that name."

Shaking her head quickly, Elizabeth said, "you don't want to meet him. He works for the East India Trading Company and from the few minutes I've spent around him, he's a foul man that is manipulative and desires power."

Laughing bitterly, Lena said, "aren't they a perfect pair then."

"Perhaps. He also has a history with Jack as well. He might be more familiar with him than I am."

"I will talk to him later."

A heavy silence fell as their current predicament fell over their minds. Having enough of it, Elizabeth jumped up from her seat and stood in front of Lena, grabbing her hand. "Let's take a walk."

Rolling her eyes, Lena agreed as she stood up as well. "You'll find there's not very far to walk after so many laps around the deck."

"That's fine, but now I want to know what has happened this last year." With a smile, Elizabeth said, "You seem happier. More than at Port Royal."

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