Part 3 - Chapter 12

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Mere minutes ago the court had reached its decision, but there were still hours to go before the day would be done. Lena had made her way out of battles before and seen first hand what could happen when battling at sea, but a war of this size was new to her. Before the morning came, she had every intention of speaking to Jack. The last thing she wanted to do was go into this blindly.

It seemed now would not be the time for that however. Jack turned to Lena with a wave of his hand, gesturing towards where the crew were gathered. "Help me out, love, and go see if your lovely Lizzy has any more of a plan. Would you?"

Immediately from the tone of his voice, Lena looked at him incredulously, knowing exactly what he was doing. "Really?" she asked in disbelief.


"What? What do you mean what," Lena said as she glared at him. "If you want me out of the way for something, at least be honest."

Jack grimaced as he realized he was caught, though it didn't stop him from still trying. "You're not in the way. But who better than you to pick through Elizabeth's head?"

"Jack." As he continued with his excuse, Lena sighed and shook her head at him. "I don't know why I would expect you to be honest with me."

Jack let his own facade fall as he knew she had a point, then stepped towards her, placing his hand on her cheek. "Fine. Yes, I just need a few minutes," he said frankly.

Lena let the moment sit, feeling daring in a way from all the adrenaline around her, as she stayed there not saying a word before she slowly smirked. "See how easy that was?" She pushed herself up then, stealing a kiss. "Your plans work better when I'm included in them. You should know that by now."

She walked off then, making her way towards Elizabeth so Jack could do what he needed. Pushing back through the energized crowd, it took only a moment before she spotted Elizabeth. Despite any lingering feelings that may occasionally surface between then, she couldn't deny that she was thrilled to see her friend again.

With a grin, she launched herself at Elizabeth and embraced her. "It seems a lot has changed since we parted ways."

"I suppose so," Elizabeth agreed as she pulled away, glancing at the crew she now led. "When I had agreed to go with them, I certainly didn't see myself becoming captain in place of Sao Feng."

"Just don't go around introducing yourself like Jack. Captain Elizabeth Swann," Lena laughed mockingly.

Elizabeth shook her head at the idea, laughing with her friend. "I wouldn't dream of it. If I did, it would be King Swann. It has a better ring to it, don't you think?"

"I think you're right. Perhaps I need a title of my own." With a smirk, she eyed the hat on Elizabeth's head. "Then again, I don't think I could handle the hat that goes along with Captain or King."

"Don't worry. I'm sure we would be able to find something that works for you," Elizabeth teased right back. "However, I think that will have to wait."

At Elizabeth's abrupt end to their joke, Lena looked at her questioningly. "Why?"

"Seems you might be needed," she said with a nod of her head towards the other side of the room.

Lena twisted around and sure enough, she found Jack and Captain Teague looking their way. Ready to protest that it might not have been her they were looking at, she was proved wrong when Jack locked eyes with her. And not even a second later, she was being summoned by Captain Teague with a motion of his hand.

"Seems I will need to cut this short. You were right, but I will talk to you later," Lena said with a light smile before she left Elizabeth's side.

The walk seemed extremely long as she crossed the room. She had no idea what she was walking into, and it was unsettling. Teague was more intimidating up close even in such a relaxed state. It took all her might to keep from grabbing Jack's arm, though it seemed she wasn't quick enough to stop her initial jerk towards him. Unsure what to say, she awkwardly stood by Jack.

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