Part 2 - Chapter 4

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After a long day of traveling, the sun had just set, though it was hard to tell behind the storm clouds blocking out the last of the light. A break in the rain seemed to settle over the Black Pearl, though the cool breeze rocked the ship consistently. The clouds showed no sign of clearing up, hinting towards more rain soon.

Further out, sitting on the water, was a lone ship that seemed to be stuck. The storm done its job, trapping it. It made it easier for the crew to follow their heading and catch up to it. The Flying Dutchman.

Lena pulled her jacket closer around her, covering the blue shirt worn underneath. Though it was wet, it was better than nothing against the wind. Standing by Jack, she tried to see what she could of the ship before them, though it wasn't much.

"That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will asked, unimpressed by the size. "She doesn't look like much."

"Neither do you," Jack shot back. "Do not underestimate it." A quick elbow from Jack to Gibbs prompted him to comment.

"Must've run afoul of the reef."

Turning to Will, Jack asked "What's your plan?"

"I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key," he said surely.

"And if there are Crewmen?" Jack prompted.

"I cut down anyone in my path," Will finished as he walked off.

"I like it. Simple, easy to remember," Jack commented with a nod.

"Simple or not, watch yourself, Will," she called out before he started climbing down to the awaiting boat.

"Your chariot awaits you, sire," Ragetti teased before he burst out laughing.

Quickly catching his attention, Jack yelled one last piece of advice. "Oi! If you do have to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. Might save your life."

"Move on out," Ragetti yelled, still laughing hysterically as Will rowed out.

Once Will was off, Jack told the crew, "douse the lamps." Immediately, the deck of the Pearl went dark, each candle going out until they were covered in darkness.

As they waited, Jack peered through his telescope, keeping a close eye on the ship.

"I don't like this." Lena stood beside him, arms crossed as she waited for something to happen. The ship was silent aside from the wind and waves, making enough noise that they didn't need to speak too quietly to not be heard.

Jack waved her off as he lowered the telescope, glancing at her. "He'll be fine. Once he gets the key, we'll be out of here."

"And if he's not able to get the key?" she countered.

"Ye of so little faith."

Lena scowled and grabbed his arm, forcing his attention to her. "I'm serious, Jack. This plan can turn sideways quite easily. I don't like risking Will's life like this."

"'Whatever it takes.' Those were your words," Jack reminded. "Having second thoughts?"

Her hand fell back to her side as she slowly shook her head. "No... Lizzy will be furious that we sent him there if something does happen." Looking back towards Will's location, she said to herself, "I can't believe I'm going along with this."

"Don't overthink it," he said with a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be back in no time. If nothing else, he doesn't know when to quit." With that, he went back to keeping an eye on how Will was fairing, waiting to see any sign of Davy Jones.

The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow. Lena didn't know what was happening but she knew something changed when Jack suddenly tensed beside her. Just when he pulled down the telescope, they were joined by another figure on deck.

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