Chapter 26 - You're Fucking Declan

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(Scarlett's POV)

"So, my mom said that she will sell the house to you for half of the sale price." Kyson told me walking in through my front door. I was lounging on the couch watching television and the boys were down for a nap.

I looked at him in shock. "What?" I almost gasped, muting the TV, giving him my full attention as he plopped down next to me on the couch.

"She said that she never intended to take you to court." He explained, he sounded very irritated just thinking about it. From what I know, he went to see his mom yesterday evening, they had dinner.

Giving him the most confused look, I almost cursed, I was completely dumbfounded. "What the fu— what?!"

He just shrugged, surrendering his hands, not understanding her logic either. "She claimed that she just wanted to scare you into not telling me, but I just feel like everything she says is contradicting." He shook his head. "She kept me from my kids, then she's blackmailed by Sophia. She apologizes and tells me that she loves me, then she fucking acts like it's no big deal that she did any of this." Kyson rolled his eyes. "She's annoying."

"Yeah, I mean, she makes me sign this contract but never intended to use it against me." I threw my hands up in aggravation before letting out a strained, unamused laugh. "Like, what the hell?"

"I don't know." He shrugged again. "She's been this way since I was younger, even more after Kinsley died." He continued. "Almost like she's afraid to show people that she cares or to get close to anyone, I think that's why she busied herself with work a lot." He added. "I don't know." I frowned; it sucks if this is what she really fears. Maybe that's why her husband cheated on her. She might have pushed him away. "Has she ever met the boys?" He asked her.

I shook my head quickly. "No, she never wanted to."

"Hmm." He wondered. "I guess I'm not all that surprised."

I just nodded. "Me either."

Just then, we were interrupted by my phone ringing beside me. It's Declan, he's calling me even though I told him to never call me.

Especially not during the day.

Declining his call quickly, I placed my phone back on the couch beside me, face down.

Ky chuckled beside me. "Who are we avoiding?" He was amused.

I tried not to show him that I was shaking where I sat, so I just shrugged like it was no one. "It was just Elliott." I lied, grabbing the remote to unmute the television. "I don't feel like talking to him."

I turned back to the TV, but his eyes were still on me. "Have you had sex with Elliott since we have the first time?" Kyson asked me out of nowhere.

I was shocked that he just flat out asked the question, but I didn't want to show him that I was.

"No." I told him, honestly. He nodded. "Would you be angry if I did?" I asked him, wondering if he would be upset if he ever found out that I had sex with Declan.

He shrugged like it was no big deal. "We're not together."

"Then what are we?" I tried not to seem so interested in the topic because I didn't want him thinking anything about me being with other guys.

"We are..." He trailed off, thinking about it. "We are co-parenting-friends with benefits." Ky chuckled. "You are free to live your life." I glanced at him, happy that he felt this way. "Even though I don't want you to be free to live your life. I want to be selfish with you, I don't want you to be with anyone. I don't want to be with anyone else." He confessed. "I would trust you to not be with anyone else but me."

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