Chapter 6 - He Doesn't Even Know That They Exist

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(Scarlett's POV)

Kylan and Sammy.



Even after I went back home with Elliott, laid next to Elliott, I was still thinking of Kyson. He occupied my ever thought from the time that I got home, to the time I went to sleep, and from the time that I woke up.

And then I wake up to his sons.

They looked so much like him that it hurts me, so much like him in different ways.

I need him to know about them.

If it were up to me, he would already know them. I should have never agreed to Mrs. Blackstone's proposal. But I was desperate. I didn't want to be thrown out on the streets after turning 18.

I did it for them.

But I know that if I would have told Kyson right away, he would have never left.

I served pancakes and eggs to my little buggers in their high chairs, they cheered in excitement.

"Eat up, my boys." I beamed down at them.

They dug in.

Feeling nostalgic, I went through the gallery in my phone, reminiscing over all the photos of Kyson, Lanie, and I years ago.

Feeling a presence and then arm circle around me, I felt Elliott's embrace and then his lips touch the side of my neck. Closing my phone quickly, I sat my phone down.

I couldn't help, but wish he was Kyson.

"Don't sneak up behind me like that." I joked.

Elliott chuckled, his lips on my ear. "You weren't complaining last night."

"Elliott!" I gasped, turning around in his arms to smack him. He just chuckled.

"Elli!" The boys cheered, looking up at us; mouths full of pancakes.

He kissed my cheek and headed over to the boys, ruffling their hair. Elliott was all dresses and ready to go to school. He studies at the same college that I go to. "How's my mighty boys?"

"Mighty!" Kylan smiled while Sammy yelled. "Strong!"

I laughed at the three of them, I love them together. And even though Kyson can't be with them, I'm glad that they have Elliott.

He kissed their foreheads and went to grab his jacket and bag. "You two be good for Mommy." He told them, coming back to me to kiss my cheek.

"When will you be back?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Not sure, we have presentations today, so class is going to run a little longer than normal." Elliott headed towards the front door. "You and the boys wanna meet for an early dinner? I'll probably be gone until then.." He trailed off.

"Lanie and Davina are coming over today..." I smiled.

"Okay." He chuckled. "Do you, Lanie, Davina, and the boys want to meet me for an early dinner?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'll let you know."

He beamed, opening the door. "I'll see you at 4."

I enjoyed a quiet breakfast with my boys, one that I don't have too many of. Living with Kenn and Livie, I don't really have much alone time with my sons. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but it's hardly ever just me and my boys.

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