Chapter 3 - Tell the Boys, that Daddy Loves Them

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(Kyson's POV)

"Babe!" Sophia called me from the bathroom. I had just got out of the shower with her five minutes ago and was pulling my dark, blue fitted jeans on.

"Yeah?" I called back.

But she ended up opening the door, wrapped in her towel. "What time will you be back?" Soph asked me, her voice suggestive.

I turned to her, and looked her up and down. "Why?" She swayed her hips, strutting towards me.

She looked sexy, her wet hair was pulled over to one side. And her towel was wrapped perfectly around her slim body, sitting low on her breast. They were perked and on display very nicely.

I chuckled. "Did we just have a go in the shower? Twice?" I smirked, pulling my undershirt over my head.

"Yes, but I want more." Sophia bit her bottom lip as she massaged my package.

I groaned because it felt really good. "Stop." I grabbed her hand. "Be a good girl and I'll reward you when I get back.

She dropped her hand and pouted as I reached for my black and gray flannel on the bed. I slipped on my shirt and began to button it. "Why do you have to go anyway?"

"Did you just fucking ask me that?" I growled, narrowing my eyes at her.

Her eyes grew two sizes, surprised by reaction. "Where are you going again?"

I gave her a sideways look. "To start the process to see if I'm a match for my dad. Lanie and an old friend of mine tried, but they didn't even pass the blood test. Neither did my stepmom, Keema."

"Old friend?" Was the only thing she probably heard. "Is this old friend a girl?"

I rolled my eyes before sitting down on the bed to put my socks on. "Yes. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Has she seen you naked?" Sophia asked.

I knew where she was going with this. I don't understand why it's important especially when my dad is in his death bed and the entire conversation that we're having right now is about him.

"I'm not answering that." I told her, now reaching for my leather boots. "Go get dressed."

"So, she has." Sophia stated, matter of factly. She walked over to her bag as she dropped her towel. I couldn't help, but check her out. "Was she an old girlfriend?"

I shrugged, but she had her back turned to me, she didn't see. "You sound really jealous right now." I chuckled, pulling on my fur-hooded jean jacket. It's nice and thick, but still had that jean material on the outside, just extra warmth with fur on the inside and on the hood. I bought it just a couple of days ago. It was getting pretty chill out here and I wanted to stay warm.

New York weather is nothing like LA weather, but I've lived here my whole life. It'll be easy to readjusted.

Slipping on my black beanie, I checked myself out in the mirror.

I looked good.

Just incase I see Scarlett, I want to show her what she's missing.

Who am I kidding? She probably won't even notice me. She broke up with me three and a half years ago, she doesn't want me anymore.

I've tried.


(Two and a Half Years Ago)

"Can you please tell her that I just want to talk?" I growled. "I just want to make sure that she is okay. We don't have to see each other."

My lawyer sighed loudly.

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